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许多著名运动员敲过纽交所的钟。Many famous athletes have rung the NYSE bell.

Liffe是纽泛交易所的国际金融衍生品交易市场。Liffe is the international derivatives business of NYSE Euronext.

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在中国,成为NASDAQ或者NYSE上市公司在变成了一件非常有面子的事情。It has become quite prestigious in China to be a NASDAQ or NYSE listed company.

由于深陷出售命令之中,纽交所的许多股票遭受暂停或者迟滞交易。Deluged with sell orders, many stocks on the NYSE faced trading halts and delays.

在纽泛交易所欧洲交易平台有来自33个国家的1200多家挂牌公司。The NYSE Euronext European platform lists over 1,200 companies from 33 countries.

多元印刷在此之后由于无法找到新的审计师而被NYSE退市。DYP has been unsuccessful at finding a new auditor and the NYSE has delisted them.

两家公司将分别以BOSS和CCM的股票代码在纽约证交所上市交易。The two are set to trade on the NYSE under the symbols BOSS and CCM, respectively.

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纽约-泛欧证券交易所和德意志交易所双双于周二宣布达成协议。The 2 companies, NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Borse, announced the agreement Tuesday.

这两个公司在周二通告了他们的一致协议。The two companies, NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Borse, announced the agreement Tuesday.

纽约泛欧交易所北京代表处代表苏鹏先生在会上介绍欧洲资本市场。Mr. Peng Su, representative of NYSE Euronext giving a speech on European capital market.

纽约证券交易所早在1871年就采用仲裁这种方式解决其会员之间的纠纷。Arbitration was taken in as early as 1871 by the NYSE to address disputes with its members.

这将部分弥补纽约证券交易所—系列丑闻所暴露出的监管漏洞。This would partly address the regulatory lacunae revealed by successive scandals at the NYSE.

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纽交所创业板是一个二板交易市场,它提供了简单的通道和较少的责任。NYSE Alternext is an exchange regulated market offering simplified access and fewer obligations.

与纽约证券交易所和美国证券交易所的多数上市公司相比,在纳斯达克上市的大多数公司规模较小。The majority of companies listed on nasd aq are smaller than most of those on the nyse and amex.

纽约泛欧交易所和德意志交易所去年利润近45亿美元。NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Borse had profits of almost four and a half billion dollars last year.

纽交所股东定于7月7日投票表决德交所收购提议.德交所在2月公布了该计划.NYSE shareholders are scheduled to vote July 7 on the Deutsche Boerse plan, which was unveiled in February.

另外,象Hirth指出的一样,NYSE是国家的“顶尖交易所”,代表的是大约3000家公司。However, as Hirth points out, the NYSE is the nation's "preeminent exchange" representing about 3,000 firms.

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Nasdaq股价收平,此前一日有消息人士指,其可能出价竞购纽约-泛欧交易所集团.Nasdaq's shares closed flat, a day after a source said it could launch a rival bid for archrival NYSE Euronext.

1987年股市崩溃的影响之一便是回路切断器或者称之为交易限制被纽交所引进。One of the consequences of the 1987 Crash was the introduction of the circuit breaker or trading curb on the NYSE.

该交易所有会员1,567个,其中大多数是代表从事替客户买卖股票的经纪行。The NYSE has 1,567 members, most of whom represent brokerage houses involved in buying and selling for the public.