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您加入演讲会多久了?How long have you been a Toastmaster?

主持人介绍今天会议的主题和三位演讲人。The toastmaster introduced today's theme and three speakers.

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提升你的演讲技巧!免费参观英语演讲会!Improve your speaking skill! Visit Toastmaster Club for Free!

对我个人来说,这是参加国际演讲会多年来的另一个里程碑!This will be a brand new milestone in my Toastmaster journey!

一开始,主持人便向客人们敬了三次酒。At the beginning, the toastmaster toasted three times all the guesses.

宴会为演讲会的灵魂如同它是演讲会的主体。A feast for the Toastmaster soul, as much as it was for each Toastmaster body.

代夫柴林斯基,自由作家,经常投稿国际演讲人杂志。Dave Zielinski is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to the Toastmaster.

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最近我指导二位朋友学吉他,其中一位是演讲会会员。I recently began helping two friends with the guitar, one of whom is a Toastmaster.

在议程上有任务的会员,必须要与教育副会长及例会总主持人做确认。Also, members on the schedule must confirm their participation to the VPE and Toastmaster.

主持人宣布了演讲结束之后,同学们依旧不愿意离去。After the toastmaster proclaimed that the lecture was over, the students was still unwilling to leave.

如果您对这些演讲主题感兴趣的话,欢迎您参加2011年春季大会。If you are interested in these programs, please don't hesitate to join us in Toastmaster Spring Conference 2011.

茱莉•博登•戴维斯是一名南加州的自由作家,长久以来,为演讲会贡献颇多。Julie Bawden Davis is a freelance writer based in Southern California and a longtime contributor to the Toastmaster.

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我们前后加入丰原英语演讲会,共同学习沟通与领导技巧,迄今已逾十四年了。We joined Fongyuan Toastmaster club almost at the same time 14 years ago to learn the skills of communication and leadership.

当然,身为一个演讲会的会员,应该要随时注意演讲的组织、声音的起伏、过滤赘字,及注意其他的事项。Of course, a Toastmaster must always pay attention to organization, vocal range, extraneous filler words and a host of other items.

避免这种情况的最好方法是,由分会内有经验的会员,为新会员指派适任的指导会友。A good way to avoid this situation is to have an experienced Toastmaster in your club assign experienced mentors to new Toastmasters.

我曾经在演讲人杂志月刊上,读到如何增进演讲技巧,并协助演讲会会员,将工作做更好,同时完成梦想的故事。I have read stories in the Toastmaster magazine about how improved speaking skills enable members to land better jobs and realize their dreams.

每年四月份的春季大会自我充电之旅,将提供您往后一年飞得更高、更远的动力。And how you do the timely recharge of your battery in the spring time will determine how high and far you can reach in Toastmaster carrier during the year.

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身为烹调组的组长,我在例会一周前,与例会总主持人会面,计画复杂的议程,和出菜时间。As the head of the culinary team, I met with the Toastmaster a week before the meeting to plan the complex coordination of agenda and course-service times.