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这些石油将被精炼。The oil will be refined.

百忍岂能炼成金?Can endure refined into gold?

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褐藻胶是海藻提取物。Algin was refined from marine alga.

无糖精,无亚硫酸盐,无化学添加。No refined sugar or sulfites added.

那位先生举止文雅。The gentleman is refined in manner.

精确的双手挥砍动画。Refined two-handed swing animations.

粗短,少见!精铁,漂亮!Tubbiness , rare! Refined iron, nice!

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最重要的是,避免精制糖。Most importantly, avoid refined sugar.

这是成品,从山茶花树的种子。It is refined from camellia tree seeds.

他的行为和仪态变得很文雅。His behaviour and manners have been refined.

未锻轧的精炼铜及铜合金。Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought.

他把穿梭外交艺术发展到炉火纯青的地步。He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy.

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糖,油和金属在使用前须先提炼。Sugar , oil and metals are refined before use.

加工得更加细腻的糖,成了白糖。The more refined the sugar, the whiter it was.

这个草编花篮十分精致。This reed-woven flower basket is very refined.

你的操控在尺寸和放置上都作了优化。Your controls are refined in size and placement.

三氧化二锑、锑的生产销售。Sanyanghuaerti, refined antimony production sales.

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强度感也因此被置入到了这样一个精巧修长的设计中。Emphasis was thus placed on a slim, refined design.

这些木雕真可以说是精雕细刻。These wooden carvings are very delicate and refined.

那么,你的学校是太斯文可言凝固汽油弹。Well, your school is too refined to speak of napalm.