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当地供电站正在修复中。The electricity substation is being repaired.

方案由调度中心站和子站组成。The scheme is mainly composed of center station and substation.

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他的运用可实现变电所高水平的管理。He may use the substation to achieve a high level of management.

很快,团队就不能团结一致了,一些工人就去了备用站。Soon, the team split up and some workers went to the substation.

变电所选址是电力系统规划的一个重要环节。Substation locating is an important part of power system planning.

自从19世纪以来,这个变电所区域就被封锁起来。Substation territory is locked with door bolt from the 19th century.

本文在分析了汤阴变电站各元件的谐波参数。This paper studies the model of each element in Tang Yin substation.

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对其管理形式也应视同于变电所等生产单元。It shall be managed as a production element same as a substation etc.

落日的余晖笼罩着新西兰基督城的伊斯灵顿变电站。The sun sets over the Islington substation in Christchurch, New Zealand.

认为通信网络是变电所自动化系统的关键。Communication network is the key section in substation automation system.

装置集成有RS-485,CAN和以太网,可满足变电站综合自动化的需要。RS- 485, CAN and Ethernet are available to satisfy substation automation.

在工厂的南边有一座装有五百千伏安变压器的变电站。The substation equipped with a transformer of 500 KVA is south of the plant.

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该系统已在长沙马王堆无人值班变电站投入运行。The system has been put into use in Changsha Mawangdui Unatended Substation.

专为减少变电所占地面积而设计的开关柜。Specially designed switchgear in order to reduce occupied area of substation.

介绍了一种实现变电站监控的实用软件系统。A practical software system of substation monitoring and control is introduced.

一种由主控变电站控制的遥控变电站。One of the remotely controlled substations , controlled by a master substation.

自动重合闸的研制使无人值班变电站得以实现。The development of automatic reclosing made the unattended substation practical.

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分析结果已在某变电站直流系统改造中得到应用。Analytical results have been applied to the rebuilding of a substation DC system.

直流牵引变电所主要由整流变压器和硅整流器构成。DC traction substation are composed of transformer and silicon rectifier circuit.

该套系统作为一个PCI接口的插卡安装在变电站的本地监控微机上。This system works as a PCI card on the computer in the electric power substation.