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我希望他和阿琳分手。I wish he'd break up with Arlene.

他们在我的老家那儿杀了一个叫爱琳•哈布丽的女孩。They killed a girl named Arlene Hubly where I grew up.

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然后他想起爱琳或许正看着电视。And then he thought maybe Arlene was watching television.

阿琳是名摄影师,音乐家和儿童读物作家。Arlene is a photographer, musician and author of children's books.

在一个孩子的耳朵里,母亲这个词在任何语言里都是魔术---阿琳。贝内特。To a child's ear, "mother" is magic in any language. --- Arlene Benedict.

史蒂夫会花很多时间坐在这个门廊上与伊什和艾琳聊天。Steve would spend many hours sitting with Ish and Arlene on this porch talking.

将在这一天结婚的阿琳·希克森和她的未婚夫托尼·格�格沃斯基提前两年就预订了布姆敦俱乐部酒店。Arlene Hixson and her fiance, Tony Goligowski, booked the date at Boomtown almost two years in advance.

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我还记得阿勒内-霍华德,她将自己已经牺牲的儿子的警徽送给我,提示我们所失去的一切。I remember Arlene Howard, who gave me her fallen son's police shield as a reminder of all that was lost.

我想起了阿琳-霍华德,他当时把他死去儿子的警察盾牌交给了我,以表达对逝者的思念之情。I remember Arlene Howard, who gave me her fallen son's police shield as a reminder of all that was lost.

它第一次出现在阿琳弗朗西斯“家”于1956年在美国NBC电视网播出的显示。It first appeared on the Arlene Francis 'Home" show broadcast on the NBC television network in the USA in 1956."

有消息证实阿丽莎•迪克森将代替阿林。飞利浦在真人秀节目“舞动奇迹”的新一轮比赛中担任评委。It's been confirmed that Alesha Dixon will replace Arlene Philips as a judge on the new series of Strictly Come Dancing.

将在这一天结婚的阿琳·希克森和她的未婚夫托尼·格里格沃斯基提前两年就预订了布姆敦俱乐部酒店。Arlene Hixson and her betrothed, lunette carrera, Tony Goligowski, reserved the date at Boomtown virtually two years in advance.

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阿琳知道很难再有机会这样奢侈一次了,所以,她玩得非常尽兴。Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so was enjoying herself immensely.

Jitterbug手机更能说明问题,这是一款库珀的妻子艾琳·哈里斯设计的手机,由库珀推向市场。A further example is provided by the Jitterbug, a handset designed by his wife, Arlene Harris, which Mr Cooper helped bring to market.

中国阻燃剂生产带来的环境和健康危险,超过了其带来的经济或安全方面已知的好处。阿琳•布鲁姆报道。The environmental and health hazards associated with China's production of fire-retardant chemicals outweigh any perceived economic or safety benefits. Arlene Blum reports.

在80年代,我在为我的第一本书找研究资料时,发现了一片由艾琳?斯科尔尼克写的文章,这篇文章指出美国人所不能摆脱的是,对为人父母所充满焦虑和内疚感。In the 80s while researching the parenting literature for my first book I found an article by Arlene Skolnick pointing out that Americans are obsessed with, anxious, and guilt-ridden about parenting.