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在下对前辈的景仰有如滔滔江水,绵绵不绝。My veneration for your honor will go on and on just like the surging river.

公众对他的景仰是如何折磨着他,那痛苦是难以想见的!It is inconceivable, the agony with which this public veneration tortured him!

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这经文一直关押在大乘佛教国家的最大的尊敬。This scripture has always been held in the greatest veneration in Mahayana countries.

虽然他尚武,永乐帝还是削弱了明朝社会的某些部分。Despite his veneration of violence, Yongle sought to defang certain parts of Ming society.

你就会发现亚里士多德,在中世纪后期有多受尊崇了。You see a source of veneration with which Aristotle was held in the later medieval period.

当宾经过圣堂时,他看到受人景仰的耶稣受难礼的十字架。When Affleck passes a Church, he sees the veneration of the Cross of the Good Friday liturgy.

这些崇拜尤其地采用为她的儿子耶稣基督的代祷方式。This veneration especially takes the form of prayer for intercession with her Son, Jesus Christ.

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同样源远流长的祖先崇拜意味着死者家人往往希望给骨灰找到存放的空间。Long-held traditions of ancestor veneration mean that families often want a place to store ashes.

麦格雷戈先生继续讲着关于这些用于记录,敬拜,贸易,食物或者供奉之物的故事。Mr MacGregor went on to tell stories about objects of record, worship, trade, food and veneration.

“敬老尊贤”一直是中国的优良传统。Reverence for elders and veneration for virtuous ones has always been a wholesome tradition in China.

他们中的大多数和列宁主义者一样强调权威,纪律和正统。Indeed, the majority of them shared with Leninists a veneration for authority, discipline and orthodoxy.

在这一张标语上,历来受人崇敬的迷信受到了无情的抨击。In this paper, superstitions that had received the veneration of ages were attacked with an unsparing hand.

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他从不把对这人的追念和对他父亲的追念分开来,他把他俩合并在他崇敬的心中。He never separated the memory of this man from the memory of his father, and he associated them in his veneration.

我们对法治的尊重使我们相信,法庭、法律程序和法官能够纠正每一个错误。Our veneration of the rule of law makes us believe that courts and procedures and judges can put right every wrong.

本命年的红色讲究应该是源于中国汉民族传统文化对于红色的崇拜。The emphasis of red colour in chinese culture originated from the han-chinese culture's veneration towards red colour.

在问候、满意、谦恭、感谢、屈服或崇拜时屈身低头或屈膝。To incline the body or heAD or bend the knee in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.

在圣马力诺共和国境内,人们深深地崇拜着他们国家的传奇缔造者——圣马力诺斯。In the Republic of San Marino, there is a deep?rooted veneration of the Saint Marinus, the legendary founder of the Republic.

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东正教也对崇拜和尊敬作出了区分,但并不接受一种“宣传人员”——仅是对神的母亲的尊敬。The Orthodox distinguish between worship and veneration but do not accept a sort of "hyper"-veneration only for the Theotokos.

我们在少女和花朵前是应当止步的,要想到她们是可敬可颂的。We are of the number who fall speechless in the presence of young girls and flowers, since we think them worthy of veneration.

我们记得,沙威的本性,他的气质,他的一呼一吸都是对权力的尊崇。It will be remembered that the fundamental point in Javert, his element, the very air he breathed, was veneration for all authority.