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不带坑方向折边,稍加轻压,便可达到紧凑无缝的效果。Slightly press the flange of the square panel without a crater to obtain jointless effect.

研究结果对桥上无缝道岔的设计及养护维修有一定的指导意义。The results can be used to guide the design and the maintenance of jointless turnout on bridge.

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介绍了18信息无绝缘轨道电路的安装,以及室内、室外设备的调试方法。Introduces the installation of jointless track circuit with 18 information, and the adjustment of indoor & outdoor equipment.

首先进行无缝拱坝施工过程中的仿真计算,确定施工过程中坝体的温度场与应力场。We shall first fix the temperature filed and thermal stress field of jointless dam in construction period through simulation calculating.

通过对试验数据的分析整理,为冻结无缝线路稳定性分析提供了道床横向阻力和纵向阻力等计算参数。Based on the analysis of the data, I provide ballast's longitude and lateral parameter for the stability analysis of frozen jointless track.

根据该方法得出各种常用跨径的无伸缩缝T梁桥最优的主梁高度,为无伸缩缝桥梁的优化设计提供参考。Then the optimal depth of beam for T-beam jointless bridge is achieved, which can also be used as reference by other type of jointless bridges.

基于我国铁路区间广泛使用的ZPW-2000A无绝缘移频自动闭塞制式,利用计算机仿真技术对区间的部分设备及功能进行了模拟。It was based on ZPW-2000A Jointless Track Circuit Frequency-shift Automatic Block System, which was widely used in our country's railway sections.

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文章对叠加在ZPW-2000A型无绝缘轨道电路上的DX3型道口信号设备错误报警问题,提出了合理的解决方案。The paper suggests a good solution for solving the problem of wrong alarm by DX3 type crossing signal equipment on ZPW-2000A jointless track circuit.

介绍桥梁无伸缩缝技术在美国及我国的使用状况,并对无伸缩缝桥梁设计中的关键问题进行了初步讨论。This paper introduces application of jointless technology in U. S. and China and carries out basic discussion on key points of jointless bridge designing.

是坦桑尼亚第一家无缝钢管生产商,公司生产的产品占地总计133公顷。The company “KSP Steel” is the first manufacturer of steel jointless pipes in Kazakhstan. The total area occupied by production objects is about 133 hectares.

城市铁路为无缝线路,列车正常运营期间进行隧道下穿施工时对线路变形有严格要求。Urban rail transit adopts jointless track that has strict requirements on track deformation during its operation when a tunnel construction is underway under it.

从理论上阐明无碴轨道对无绝缘轨道电路的影响,并找出轨道电路传输长度改善方案是一件十分有意义的工作。Therefore it is meaningful to analyze the impact of ballast-less track on jointless track circuit and find out improving methods of track circuit transmitting length.

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针对高架桥的施工条件,介绍上海轨道交通明珠线高架桥无缝线路的施工方案、施工机具的改进,小半径、大坡道地段的特殊施工作业技术。The paper introduces laying of jointless line over viaduct, modification of construction equipment, and special construction technology for sharp curves and long slope.

弹性整体道床铺设超长无缝线路是一种新型轨道结构形式,在长大铁路隧道和城市轻轨建设中已广泛应用。Super long jointless track on elastic monolithic track bed is a new type of track structure, and has been extensively used for long railway tunnels and urban light rails.

对某超长转换结构进行了无缝设计,采取了箱形梁转换形式,框支转换梁采用了有粘结预应力技术。Jointless design method is used for an overlong transfer structure. The box section transfer beams are chosen, and the technique of prestressed concrete with bond is used.

基于普通无缝线路稳定性分析的统一公式,探讨了无缝道岔转辙器稳定性的计算方法。Based on the general formula for the stability analysis of common jointless trac ks, the calculation method for the stability of switches of a jointless turnout is put forward.

无缝线路以其优越的性能将逐步代替普通线路成为铁路发展的必然趋势,但它出现的胀轨、跑道和断轨的病害也极其巨大。With superior performance jointless rail will gradually supplant the common rail in railway construction but rail expansion, excel-out even breakage in it will bring tremendous harms.

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本文介绍了UM71无绝缘轨道电路模拟电路的制作和调试的方法和步骤,并对联锁关系和故障查找进行了分析。The paper introduces the methods and procedures for manufacturing and testing simulated circuit of UM71 jointless track circuit, and analyses the interlocking relationship and failure search.

与一般的钢筋混凝土结构有所不同,钢筋混凝土超长结构无缝设计有一个突出问题就是如何解决无缝设计时的抗震分析。Differing from normal R. C. structures, there was an important issues in the jointless design of R. C. superlong structure. That was how to solve the aseismatic analysis of R. C. superlong structures.