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难怪我会觉得泄气了。No wonder I was feeling uninspired.

我们觉得毫无灵感,没有动力。We feel uninspired and unmotivated.

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莫不为之鼓舞。There was no one who was uninspired.

像机器人一样处理任务只会让我们感觉像一只庸庸碌碌的雄蜂。Processing tasks like a robot can make us feel like uninspired drones.

书中对外星生物圈的描写可以说是绝无仅有。But the vast majority of Leinster stuff is uninspired , and that is being kind.

其结果是其他平庸空间艺术转化为工作的一项功能。The result is an otherwise uninspired space transformed into a functional work of art.

在很大程度上它没出毛病,但是大多数水平好像未受鼓舞。For the most part there's nothing wrong with it, but many of the levels seem uninspired.

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人们想到常规时,他们就想单调、无聊、无奇的行为。When people think of routines, they think about monotonous, boring, and uninspired behaviors.

世界的发展难以预见,变化无常,一日千里,这样平庸的管理方法已经跟不上形势了。The world is too unpredictable, too volatile, too fast-moving for such an uninspired approach.

同时,他们也越来越没信心,离真实的自己越来越远。In the meanwhile, they grow increasingly uninspired and out of touch with their authentic selves.

简而言之,在刘烨身上,散发着那种精明的商人和激情不再的演员所共有的现实主义精神。In short, Liu brims with the sort of practicality that makes shrewd businessmen and uninspired actors.

枯燥而重复的战斗和缺乏创意的任务设定让本作的光彩大减。The dull, repetitive combat and uninspired mission structure prevent At World's End from being much fun.

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在前任教练手中表现平平、毫无灵感的天才球员开始再次表现出超级球星的样子。Talented players, who had seemed flat and uninspired under the former manager, began to look like superstars again.

作为一个网页设计师,还有什么比没有创意、无法完成或结束设计项目感觉更糟糕的了。As a web designer, is there any feeling worse than being creatively uninspired and not being able to complete or start your design projects?

他们最近平庸的表现与鲁尼因肌腱受伤缺阵有关,并且当鲁尼回到阵中时,他们还没有足够时间恢复状态。The recent uninspired play coincided with the loss of Wayne Rooney to a hamstring injury, and while he has since returned, they have not had enough time to get back to form.

陈是一名工作于台北的白领,30岁了,对自己遇见的男人都提不起劲,但又因面临着结婚的社会压力,下个月她将以个人名义举行婚礼。Uninspired by the men she's met but facing social pressure to get married, the 30-year-old Taipei office worker will hold the reception next month in honor of just one person.

卷更有趣和愉快的比同等钴,添加到我们的名单尊重值得汽车,即使是在看似平庸2.2升,四速规格我们取样。Volumes more interesting and enjoyable than an equivalent Cobalt, add it to our list of respect-worthy cars, even in the seemingly uninspired 2.2-liter, four-speed spec we sampled.

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你可能没有一幅拼贴画,但你可能有些装饰品、画作、壁挂和其它装饰物,这些东西会让在你感觉缺少灵感的时候,在视觉上刺激你,使你分心。You probably won’t have a collage, but you might have ornaments, paintings, wall-hangings and other decorations that prove to be visual distractions when you’re feeling uninspired.

然后是一场对切尔西的毫无亮点的胜利,最近一场在舒适的老特拉福主场对阵诺维奇的比赛他们在2-0领先后甚至显得心不在焉。They had a very uninspired win against Chelsea, and their last time on the pitch they seemed to barely care as they slid past Norwich 2-0 while in the comfy confines of Old Trafford.

在周四以令人沮丧的27分惨败给快船后的上午训练,湖人主教练给他的队员传递了一个信息,那就是邋遢的防守是不被允许的,即使在季前赛。The morning after Thursday's uninspired 27-point loss to the Clippers, Lakers coach Phil Jackson sent a message to his team that even in the preseason lackluster defense will not be tolerated.