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那只狗是经常惹人讨厌的东西。That dog is perpetual nuisance.

这是永远存在的冲突。And that's a perpetual conflict.

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在森林中,有永恒的青春。In the woods, is perpetual youth.

在一个珍爱的地方扎根永驻。Rooted in one dear perpetual place.

我对你无休止的唠叨厌烦了。I'm tired of your perpetual nag ging.

他们企图在那里建立永恒的乐园。They sought to set perpetual Zions there.

这是我对自己信仰永恒的忠诚。This is my perpetual loyalty to my faith.

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他们希望生活在永久幸福之中.They hoped to live in perpetual happiness.

莫让持久的冷淡将爱灵消殁。The spirit of love, with a perpetual dulness.

好人和坏人是一对永远的矛盾体。The bad and the good are a perpetual conflict.

我仍旧听得见她那永恒的召唤。I can still hear your perpetual calling for me.

从某意义来说,黄金是一种永续的零息债券。It is, in a sense, a perpetual zero coupon bond.

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我的存在是那永恒的惊叹,这就是生命。That I exit is a perpetual suprise which is life.

这个制度是所谓的永续盘存制度。This system is called perpetual inventory system.

存在,是永恒的惊喜,而这也就是人生。That I exist is a perpetual suprise which is life.

存在,是永恒的惊喜,而这也就是人生。That I exist is a perpetual supprise which is life.

蕗羜我的存在,对我是一个永久的神奇,这就是生活。That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.

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诚信创造完美是东流时永远追求的目标。Perfection created by honesty is our perpetual target.

在这个世俗的世界你还相信有天长地久的爱情吗?Do you believe in perpetual love in this secular world?

指营业上使用之土地及具有永久性之土地改良。Land and perpetual land improvements for operating use.