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实际使用效果明显。It effect is obvious in piratical use.

这个骗局是政治问题却也是盗版问题。The trick will be to become political but remain piratical.

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海盗的利益已消失,但海盗的本性不改。The profits of piracy had gone but the piratical instinct remained.

在比赛中的第一个长长的流行情节剧的海盗主题。The play was the first in a long line of popular melodramas with piratical themes.

正如你所知,我是中国人,你们中间的某些人可能听说过中国是一个盗版大国。As you know, I'm Chinese, and some of you might heard that China is a big country of Piratical Products.

本文就如何开发一套实用的,安全的,友好的ASP。This paper focuses on the detailed explanation witch how to explore a piratical , safe, and amicable ASP.

尽管最成功的创业者通常都是好人,但他们眼睛里似乎都闪烁着海盗般的光芒。Though the most successful founders are usually good people, they tend to have a piratical gleam in their eye.

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从其形制结构、文字风格等判断,当为王莽时期盗铸钱币的钱范。The form, structure and character style of the models suggest that they were piratical models used in the Wang Mang period.

他们的海盗攻击神出鬼没,闪电般击碎敌人的防线,然后在敌方援军到达前又及时撤离。Their piratical raids strike without warning, smashing defences quickly and then disappearing before reinforcements arrive.

一次,胡佛赶到柏林,对德国潜艇击沉比利时救济船只的海岛行径提出抗议。One day Hoover hurried to Berlin to protest against the piratical act of a German submarine in sinking a Belgian relief ship.

贸易里的海盗因子依然存活于来自许多不同国家,抱著快速致富美好愿景的冒险者身上。The piratical element of trade survived in the persons of adventurers who came from many countries with picturesque schemes to make fortunes quickly.

当前持续承受海盗事件影响的地区是非洲之角,这些的海盗主要源自于索马里。The area currently experiencing the most sustained incidences of piratical activity is the Horn of Africa, where piracy originates predominantly from Somalia.

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采用技术手段保护音像制品知识产权,有效地防止转录或盗版,具有重要意义。It has become more and more important to adopt new techniques to prevent the piratical recording and copying of audio and video signals so that the intellectual property rights can be protected.