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我需要一些叙述时用的好镜头。I need some good pictures for narration.

他录制了这部作品的解说词。He has recorded the narration for the production.

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小说最棒的部分是阿德里安的独白。The best part of this book is Adrien's narration.

这时雨翔突然说,自己喜欢仕筠。This rain xiang said suddenly, like an narration.

苏波想将故事永远的讲下去。So Bo would like to continue the narration for ever.

这部小说以顺叙的方式讲了一个爱情故事。This novel tells us a love story in typical narration.

仕筠到楼下,严凯开车过来了。Shi narration to the downstairs, YanKai drive come over.

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第二章是对利奥塔理论的详细阐述。Chapter II is the detailed narration of Lyotard's theory.

其故事套故事的叙事方法让人觉得很糊涂。Its story-within-a-story method of narration is confusing.

白先勇是一位热衷于回忆叙事的艺术大师。Baixianyong is a great artist who enjoyed the memory narration.

姑娘悲悲凄凄的叙述深深地打动了老太太的心。The girl's pitiful narration touched the old lady's heart deeply.

蓝妈妈让仕筠称这个机会好好跟严凯聊聊。Blue mother let shi narration says the chance to chat with YanKai.

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我们在看的时候,内心的冲动与阐释会逃离闪进镜头的光芒。When we saw them, impulsive narration escaped from the flashlights.

张爱玲的女性意识,就在她的叙事中表现了出来。The female consciousness of Zhang Ailing is showed in her narration.

第一章论述二人所采用的童稚视角的叙事策略。Chapter one expounds child's naivety narration tactics of the article.

有的人以沉默叙述迷茫和惆怅。Some people silence the narration to be confused and to be disconsolate.

第二章分析新闻语篇在叙事学研究中的归属与地位。The second chapter discusses the belonging and position of news narration.

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严凯去了仕筠家里,他给仕筠带来了一台电脑。YanKai went to shi narration home, he gave an narration brought a computer.

叙事完整,唱词诙谐风趣,人物形象鲜明等。Its narration is complete, lyric is humorous, and figures are distinguished.

相比较其他当代艺术家而言,李川的叙述是异质的。Compare to other contemporary artists, Li Chuan's narration is heterogeneous.