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屋面接近垂直的一种折线形屋顶。A mansard roof with sides that are nearly perpendicular.

由双重斜坡屋顶形成的那一层通常称为阁楼。The story formed by a mansard roof is usually called the garret.

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复斜屋顶在四个面上都各有两个斜面,一个较浅的上部斜面和一个较陡的下部斜面。The mansard roof has two slopes on all four sides, a shallower upper part and a steeper lower part.

非常好看,斜度不同分成两段的屋顶上,上面有一溜栅栏,两头各有一个尖塔,是用彩色木瓦板盖的。It was lovely. it had a high mansard roof with a picket fence on top and a tower made of fancy shingles at each end.

这栋建于1929年的摩天大楼拥有与众不同的铜质折线形屋顶,能让宾客自由地饱览中央公园的景色。Built in 1929, the prewar skyscraper with the distinctive copper mansard roof offered unfettered views of Central Park.

法国文化对这个城市无处不在的影响从其双重斜坡的屋顶、铁质阳台、人行道上的露天咖啡馆和法文招牌上都可清楚地看到。The city's overwhelming french influence is apparent in its mansard roofs iron balconies sidewalk cafes and french signs.

它不可避免地受到法国的影响,尤其表现在双重斜坡的屋顶、铁艺阳台、露天咖啡屋和法国招牌上面。The city's overwhelming French influence in apparent in its mansard roofs, iron balconies, sidewalk cafes, and French signs.

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复斜屋顶在四个面上都各有两个斜面,一个较浅的上部斜面和一个较陡的下部斜面。The mansard roof has two slopes on all four sides, a shallower upper part and a steeper lower part. See also hammer-beam roof.

他还指给爱潘妮看,从树尖的上面,看得见在那凉亭的顶楼屋子里,有亮光在移动。And he pointed out to Eponine, across the tops of the trees, a light which was wandering about in the mansard roof of the pavilion.

本项目是一间位于三层楼房顶层的坡顶阁楼,此前仅用于储存旧物及通道而完全被忽略。A room on the mansard floor of a 3-storied house was completely neglected, was used a storing place for old things and was a walk-through premises.

无桥台斜腿刚架桥类似于折线拱桥,桥梁两端边斜杆上土的作用实际上形成了一对拱推力。The non-abutment slant-legged rigid frame bridge is similar to mansard arch bridge, the soil pressure of the diagonal rod at both ends of bridge forms a couple of arch thrust.

无桥台斜腿刚架桥是一种新的桥型,因其适用、经济、美观等方面的独特优势,近几年在工程领域中已有较为广泛的应用,但理论研究相对滞后。The non-abutment slant-legged rigid frame bridge is similar to mansard arch bridge, the soil pressure of the diagonal rod at both ends of bridge forms a couple of arch thrust.