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我相信他们在国王队会干得不错。I know they will do well in Sacramento.

萨克拉门托市有超过407,000名居民。Sacramento has more than 407,000 residents.

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美巡赛揭幕六月16日在萨克拉门托。The tour kicks off on June 16th in Sacramento.

春天时,我在萨克拉门托会有一个活动。And I'm planning one in Sacramento in the spring.

当姚明不能上场的时候,他又回到了他在萨克拉曼多的风格。He reverted to his Sacramento style when Yao went out.

你在萨克拉门托的时候还有Shiloh浸信会。And you had Shiloh Baptist when you were in Sacramento.

萨克拉门托州立小学称他是该校最著实的停门生。Sacramento State can call him their most famous dropout.

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对于主教练布朗来说,主场优势是萨克拉门托烦心的牛奶铃铛。For coach Mike Brown, it was the clanging cowbells in Sacramento.

沙加缅度的州立监狱前一天也发生暴动,有两人受伤。Sacramento State Prison riots the day before, two people were injured.

国王队真的没做过更好的交易?只有一个首轮签?Could Sacramento really have not done better? Only one first-round pick?

萨克拉门托市——一个星期六的早晨九点,艾伦·萨彻尔的BP机响了。SACRAMENTO — Dr. Alan Shatzel’s pager beeped at 9 on a Saturday morning.

莱丁美国加利福尼亚州北部城市,临沙斯塔湖以南萨克拉门托河。A city of northern California on the Sacramento River south of Shasta Lake.

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弗罗林美国加利福尼亚州中部一社区,是萨克拉门托的郊区。人口24,330。A community of central California, a suburb of Sacramento. Population, 24, 330.

而如果周日在主场对阵国王的话,那么马刺就能以逸待劳,等待小牛的造访。Win at home against Sacramento on Sunday, and they will wait for the Mavericks.

他的胃“出了毛病”差一点在萨克拉门托的寄宿舍里送了命。His stomach "got out of whack" and he all but died in a Sacramento boarding-house.

他的胃“出了毛病”差一点在萨克拉门托的寄宿舍里送了命。His stomach "got out of whack" and he all but died in a sacramento boarding-house.

加利福尼亚中北部社区,萨克拉门托的郊区。人口37,600。A community of north-central California, a suburb of Sacramento. Population, 37,600.

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无论是在萨城还是在休城,每当马丁下场的时候,球队的防守都有显著的提高。Both Sacramento and Houston defended substantially better when he was off the court.

掘金后卫吧斯泰普斯中心的气氛和萨拉门托以及犹他做比较。Nuggets guard compares atmosphere at Staples Center to those in Sacramento and Utah.

加利福尼亚中北部社区,萨克拉门托的郊区。人口37,'00。A community of north-central California, a suburb of Sacramento. Population, 37, '00.