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黑石和DIC拒绝置评.Blackstone and DIC declined to comment.

迪克总是试图在最后时刻才做工作。Dic always trys to do his work at the last opportunity.

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DIC会严重地威胁人的生命,而且很难抢救。DIC is extremely life threatening and difficult to treat.

尸检显示双肺弥漫性肺泡损伤,弥漫性血管内凝血及多脏器损伤。The autopsy showed that diffuse injury of alveolus in lungs, DIC and multiple organ injury.

结果除1例患者死于DIC外,余患者明确了诊断、抢救成功。Results All the patients were diagnosed definitely and were cured except for 1 case died from DIC.

在楚科奇海的陆架区,DIC在盐度29到33的区域有强烈的生物去除过程,而在低盐和高盐端相对保守。In contrast, the DIC had an obvious biological removal in Chukchi shelf at the salinity of 29 to 33.

严重感染、损伤、肿瘤形成和产科并发症以及其它疾病可以引起DIC。DIC can be seen with severe infections, trauma, neoplasia, and obstetric complications, among others.

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血小板进行性下降、PT延长、3P阳性是创伤DIC诊断的重要指标。The continuous reduction of Plt, prolongation of PT and positive of 3P are important to the diagnosis of DIC.

方法对19例继发性弥散性血管内凝血患婴的临床资料、抢救及护理的情况进行回顾性的分析。Methods Retrospective analysis of 19 clinical data about the rescue and nursing of neonates with succeeded DIC.

结果创伤导致的DIC,主要是与创伤后血容量不足,大量的凝血因子丢失有关。Results DIC caused by trauma was related to hypovolemia after trauma and a lot of blood coagulation factors loosing.

以乳粉为研究对象,采用数字图像采集方式,以色度G值作为特征参数,可以获得较高的检测精度。For milk powder, higher precision was shown using the colorimetric value G as a characteristic parameter by DIC method.

DIC与无限远光学系统的结合,减小了棱镜、检偏器的插入引起的负面影响。The combination of DIC with infinite optical system reduces the adverse effect caused by insertion of prism and analyzer.

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结果剖宫产术中出血的主要原因依次为宫缩乏力,胎盘因素,切口撕裂,DIC。Results The main reason for bleeding of cesarean section followed by uterine atony, placental factors, incision tear, DIC.

本文基于朗读语音语料库分析不同层级的韵律单元在语流中的边界特征。This paper analyzes the boundary features of different levels of proso dic units in continuous speech based on read corpus.

DIC表示,该公司之所以选中索尼是因为后者现行策略强调资本利用效率和现金产生能力。DIC said it chose to invest in Sony because of its 'ongoing strategy of focusing on capital efficiency and cash generation.'

结论微剂量肝素治疗急性白血病前DIC状态能有效的阻止其向DIC发展,且具有良好的安全性。Conclusion Micro-dosage heparin therapy can effectively interrupt pre-DIC development to DIC. And it has satisfactory safety.

因为DIC用光了抗凝因子和血小板,血液无法凝结,病人就会血流不止。Because DIC used up coagulation factors and platelets, both necessary for blood to clot, the patient would begin to hemorrhage.

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并对肺心病并发重症DIC的早期诊断、用药剂量的特殊性进行了讨论。The speciality of early clinic signs and the treatment of chronic pulmonary heart disease complicated severe DIC was discussed.

④结论休克后急性期D-D的升高程度不仅与休克严重程度有关,而且与休克后DIC的发生密切相关。Conclusion The D-D levels were not only relevant to the severity of shock but also closely to the occurrence of DIC after shock.

HAL组的髓外浸润、DIC、白细胞淤滞综合征及早期死亡率较对照组高。Compared to NHAL, HAL has a high incidence of outer marrow infiltration, leukocyte stasis syndrome, DIC and early mortality rate.