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面向心脏病专家的一本好的书。A nice book for the cardiologist. Credit for armatura.

她的心脏科医生从旁边走过,问我在那里做什么。Her cardiologist walked by and asked what I was doing.

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加州大学洛杉矶分校心脏病告诉TMZ网站杰克逊死于心脏骤停。A cardiologist at UCLA tells TMZ Jackson died of cardiac arrest.

他是多伦多圣•迈克尔医院的心脏病专家。Chi-Ming Chow, a cardiologist at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto.

之后心脏病专家对我和弟弟进行检查,看是否患有此病。Then the cardiologist tested my younger brother and me for the disease.

一个对小组和业内具有影响力的声音,心脏病学专家桑杰*科尔,对纳曲酮投了反对票。Cardiologist Sanjay Kaul, an influential voice on this panel and others, voted against Contrave.

于是他集中精力找到一位当地最好的儿科心脏专家,把决定留给专家去定夺。So he focused on finding the area’s best pediatric cardiologist and left the decisions to the experts.

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与他长期合作的经理人表示,布鲁贝克是在接受心脏治疗的过程中心脏衰竭去世的。His longtime manager says he passed away from heart failure en route to regular treatment with his cardiologist.

但当医生在找寻心房里罪魁祸首的动脉阻塞时,动脉却是张开的。But when a cardiologist goes inside the heart searching for the culprit blocked artery, the arteries are wide open.

克利夫兰市临床心脏病专家史蒂夫•尼森说,国会需要采取行动,使FDA重建公众信任。Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Steve Nissen said Congress needed to act in order for the FDA to rebuild public trust.

在我们后来的谈话中,盖斯顿抛掉作者身份,再次化身心脏病专家。As we were winding down our conversation, Agatston took off his author hat and went into full cardiologist mode again.

Foell心脏研究教授,同时还是西北纪念医院的心血管病专家。Foell Professor of Heart Research at the Feinberg School. He also is a cardiologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

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"研究表明饮食观念的发展有悠久的历史,"哈佛大学医学院的心脏病专家教授利比彼得博士说。The diets studied "had an antique patina, " said Dr. Peter Libby, a cardiologist and professor at Harvard Medical School.

人们让群众远离心脏病发作,这种药导致了更多,”心脏病学家Curfman说。You're trying to prevent people from having heart attacks, and here this drug caused more, " said Curfman, a cardiologist."

一位心脏学家说,如果接到这封信就传给十个人的话,至少将会救活一个人的命。A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this email sends it to 10 people, you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

心脏科医生可能会关注到血脂和血管状态,却甚至连是否应当给予阿司匹林都不确定。A cardiologist may perhaps look at lipids and the state of blood vessels and many are not even sure if they can give aspirin or not.

一位机械师正把气缸盖从一辆哈利摩托车的马达里移出,这时,他瞅见店里来了一位有名的心脏病专家。A mechanic was removing a cylinder-head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known cardiologist in his shop.

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早期随访是指患者出院后1个月内由内科医生或心内科做初级治疗。Early follow-up was defined as patient-reported visits with a primary care physician or cardiologist within 1 month after discharge.

玛丽·安妮感到沮丧,又和加州大学洛杉矶分校儿童医院的儿科心脏病专家唐·阿里乔斯博士取得联系。Frustrated, Mary Anne contacted Dr. Juan Alejos, a pediatric cardiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, Children's Hospital.

Dickfeld博士作为心脏病专家供职于马里兰大学医学院,他同时还是巴尔的莫退伍军人医学中心的电生理主任。Dr. Dickfeld is a cardiologist at the University of Maryland Medical Center and chief of electrophysiology at the Baltimore VA Medical Center.