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使用命令性安全检查。Using imperative security checks.

而这就是程序性知识。And that's what imperative knowledge is.

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这是美国的再教育要求。This is America's re-education imperative.

对于其他人来说,素食主义则是一种道德义务。For others, veganism is a moral imperative.

谋杀违反了定言命令。Murder violates the categorical imperative.

因此,网络纵深防御,势在必行。Thus, network defense-in-depth is imperative.

英语中不存在什么动词祈使语气语法范畴。There is no imperative mood of the English verb.

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保罗思想里的「已然」与「应然」。The problem of indicative and imperative in Paul.

在给予指示的时候多使用祈使句。Use imperative sentences when giving instructions.

我们承认这种发展是必要的。We recognize the imperative need for this development.

不过这是个程序性知识,好么?But here is a piece of imperative knowledge. All right?

弗兰克改掉他的坏习惯是绝对必要的。It is imperative that Franck do away with his bad habit.

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反应灵敏在当今的商业环境中是必不可缺的。Being flexible in today’s business climate is imperative.

我国高校企业改制势在必行。So reformation in university-run enterprise is imperative.

指令序列来,推断出新的信息。That imperative knowledge that we talked about right there.

祈使是俄汉语共同使用的语法范畴。The imperative category is the common grammatical category.

你必须下大力气避免摄入过量的脂肪。It is imperative that excess fat be avoided like the plague.

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她没说“你们”或是“我们”,她只用了祈使语气。She doesn't say 'you' or 'we', she just uses the imperative.

我老婆的意见不容置疑,人们都听她的。My wife has such an imperative voice that everyone coveys her.

基于情感的服装图像分类势在必行。So, emotion-based clothing image classification is imperative.