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这个提问的阴毒就在这里。This insidious in question here.

而在演讲中,填充词的隐蔽性更高,危害也更大。And speech fillers are insidious.

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麻醉品成瘾是在不知不觉中的。Narcotics addiction is insidious.

电视新闻制作尤其阴险。Television news programming is especially insidious.

政府扩张的另一个形式更加让人心惊胆战。Another form of the advancing state is more insidious.

这是一种经济民族主义,稍有不慎即成心腹大患。This is economic nationalism, but of an insidious type.

案件发展的进程可能很快和隐密。The progress of the grooming can be quick and insidious.

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文档可能有很多模糊不清的微妙之处。Documentation can be ambiguous in the most insidious ways.

他是我遇到的人中最阴险狡诈的一个。That insidious man bad-mouthed me to almost everyone else.

那个阴险的家伙几乎见人便说我的坏话。That insidious man bad-mouthed me to almost everyone else.

殖民地化可能是监禁最隐匿的形式。Colonization is perhaps the most insidious form of imprisonment.

腐败的另一个隐蔽的特点是,腐败几乎是说不得的。An insidious feature of corruption is that it's hard to talk about.

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塑料球还具有吸收有毒化学物质这一危险性质。Nurdles also have the insidious property of soaking up toxic chemicals.

这种管理的影响比我们想象的要更为严重和深远。The effects are insidious and more far reaching than you might imagine.

我们的请愿最近被接受,那是阴险的微笑吗?Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received?

食物链以一种更隐蔽的方式放大了石油泄漏的影响。The food chain has magnified the effect of the spill in other insidious ways.

专家们担心的是更普遍的事情,即便没那么阴险。Yet experts worry about ones that are far more common, even if less insidious.

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但是,诱惑力可能比烟在手边更具有威胁性。But temptation can be more insidious than how close at hand the cigarettes are.

“思想罪可是件要不得的事情,老兄,”他庄重地说,“它很阴险。Thoughtcrime is a dreadful thing, old man, ' he said sententiously. 'It's insidious.

那是亚历克斯·德拉古列斯库给这些暗中为害的人类作品以视觉表达以前的事了。That was until Alex Dragulescu gave these insidious human creations visual expression.