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哎呀,他是容易激动的那类人。Gee, he's an excitable type.

他性情易兴奋。He is excitable by temperament.

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卢克有易激动的性格。Luke has a very excitable nature.

约翰有一个容易激动的脾气。John's got an excitable temperament.

更兴奋的专家们甚至咆哮着支持反对这个犹太国家的战争。More excitable pundits are even baying for war against the Jewish state.

研究了可激系统和生物大分子中的动力学行为。The dynamics of excitable systems and biomacromolecules have been studied.

重点关注神经元和其他易兴奋细胞在细胞水平上的特性。Emphasis placed on the cellular properties of neurons and other excitable cells.

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“你准备好赢下你季前赛的首场比赛了吗?”一个激动的记者问道。Are you ready to win your first game of pre-season, " asked one excitable reporter."

但这并不排除那些易激动的、沮丧的、不友好的、讽刺的、或专横的。But it does rule out those who are over excitable depressed unfriendly sarcastic or bossy.

另一方面,中国300多万因特网用户中多达数年龄不到30岁,并且非常容易被鼓动利用。On the other hand most of China's more than 300m Internet users are under 30 and highly excitable.

空气中凝聚着兴奋、烦乱、急躁的氛围,每个人都想要发表自己的意见。There's a hectic, impatient, excitable vibe in the air as everyone wants to get their two cents in

神经元不只是一个简单的有机细胞,它还是一个非常强大的、对电流敏感的生物处理器。A neuron is not a simple organic cell, but a very powerful, electrically excitable biological processor.

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这家主人并不象我这般情绪化。虽然心里压抑,却一个劲地给我精神上的支持。My host was of a less excitable temperment, and although depressed in spirits, exerted himself to sustain myself.

过后他女朋友对陪审团说,克里斯丁是她认识的人中最快乐的一个,他“爱耍脸皮,很率真,而且容易兴奋。”Afterward his girlfriend told an inquest that Christian was the happiest person she knew "cheeky spontaneous excitable."

在对话中,声音越多起伏,越容易被认为是男性中“易兴奋”,女性化的人,或者是同志。The more up and down a voice goes in conversation, the more likely it is to be perceived as "excitable", feminine and gay in men.

铂纳米膜的红外吸收增强,可能与其本身表面等离子振荡的激发有关。The enhancement mechanism is briefly discussed based on surface plasmon oscillation excitable on the electrodeposited Pt surfaces.

再者,他们的言谈通常急速、激动且具有侵入性,思想则快速流畅地从一个主题跳到另一个主题。Moreover, their speech is often rapid, excitable and intrusive, and their thoughts move quickly and fluidly from one topic to another.

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那么,这些都是控制你情绪的方法,不论你是一个十分容易激动的人,或是你受到伤害,感觉…Well there are ways of controlling your emotions whether you get too excitable or if you are really hurt and feel like falling to pieces.

这位白手起家的百万富翁最初也只是在操场上和朋友们买卖弹球。The excitable entrepreneur kick-started his way to becoming a millionaire when he innocently began trading marbles with friends in the playground.

其他国家往往对英国的遵纪守法颇为羡慕,认为英国至少强于它的一些更易冲动的大陆邻邦。Other nations tend to regard Britain as enviably orderly and law-abiding, at least compared with many of its more excitable continental neighbours.