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她得监督家务。She had to superintend the house.

如何加强网上交易监管?。How to strengthen trade on the net superintend?

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刘是编辑部的一个负责人。Mr. Liu is a superintend in the editorial office.

他获任玩具部的负责人。He was appointed to superintend the toy department.

主管安全保卫工作是你的职责。It's your duty to superintend the security affairs.

我们应派一个人去监督机器的安装。We should send a man to superintend the erection of machinery.

实行财务公开,提高透明度和群众监督机制。Improving openness of the politics and mass superintend system.

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新闻舆论监督的内容与现代生活紧密相关。Second, the contents of press superintend hold tightly with modern living.

如何准确把握督查的授权行为?。How accurate the accredit action that holds superintend and director to check?

为确保一切不出问题,我母亲会亲自下伙房监督烹调。To make sure of nothing going wrong, my mother would superintend the cooking herself.

他认为加强监管并非坏事,对大网站反而有利。He thinks to strengthen superintend be not evildoing, advantageous instead to big website.

颁布并督导员工正确合理安全使用工厂基础设施及网络设施。Introduce and Superintend the staff in the correct and safe use of Plant facilities &Internet.

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严重的形势,让监管部门和券商基层都不敢丝毫松懈。Grim situation, let superintend branch and certificate business grass-roots unit not dare a bit is lax.

对我国企业会计信息失真与会计监督的思考。Reflection of our companies' Accountant Information lost their true ability and accountanting superintend.

托尔对叶尔莫洛夫宣读了那个作战命令,请他作进一步的部署。Toll read it to Yermolov, proposing that he should superintend the further instructions for carrying it out.

支付宝推动的类似“卖方信贷”的金融创新触及了监管“真空”。Those who pay treasure to drive is similar " bargainor credit " financial innovation touched superintend " vacuum ".

可以,在非凡情况下,可以向海关提出申请在海关监管场所以外的地方查验。Can, below special situation, can put forward to apply for to superintend the place beyond the place to check in custom to custom.

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所谓新闻舆论监督,主要是指新闻媒体对政府机构和政府工作人员行为,以及法制的贯彻与实施的监督。The object which press or news media superintend mainly includes government and missionaries in agents, also includes the actualize of laws.

与此同时,毒品集团逐渐猖狂,扫毒组督察决定派一卧底深入其中。Meanwhile, drugs group gradually savage, clique of decision of superintend of the group that sweep poison lies the bottom is thorough among them.

在当今信息时代世界各国都清醒地认识到意志、谋略、组织,指挥和民族凝聚力等精神力量的重要性。In this age of information, Every country has realized the fundamentality of Intention, Strategy, Organization, Superintend and National Cohesion.