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我们在御座前跪下。We knelt before the throne.

我双膝跪下,他还对我说话。I knelt down and he spoke to me.

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吓得托默差点一膝盖跪了下去,原来那里就埋了一颗地雷。He'd nearly knelt on a land mine.

她的心灵跪倒在姨夫面前。She knelt in spirit to her uncle.

我跪在她身旁,轻轻把她摇醒。I knelt down and shook her gently.

斯内普跪在博恩斯教授的身旁。Snape knelt beside Professor Burns.

安迪跪了下来,好看得更清楚。Andy knelt down to get a closer look.

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他跪在祭坛前祈祷。He knelt as a suppliant at the altar.

他们在佛像面前下跪。They knelt before the image of Buddha.

我单膝跪地,向她求婚。I knelt down on one knee and asked her.

夏洛蒂跪下拉起拖裙。Charlotte knelt down to pick up her train.

许多朝圣者心虔意诚地在神殿跪拜。Many pilgrims knelt piously at the shrine.

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他们跪拜在佛像面前。They knelt before the image of the Buddha.

百口人跪在跪垫上祷告。The whole family knelt on cushions to pray.

她下跪并低头祈祷。She knelt down and bowed her head in prayer.

埃米跪下身子,这样他们可以平视对方。Amy knelt down so that their eyes were level.

我跪下,亲亲她那的甜美,温暖的脸。I knelt down and kissed her sweet, warm face.

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他就那样跪在那修女跟前祈祷。Thus he prayed as he knelt before the sister.

他跪在国王面前请求赦罪。He knelt before the king and asked for pardon.

他跪在国王面前乞求宽恕。He knelt before the king and craved for mercy.