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当前政策的主要关注点是把辍学的年轻人从新整合起来。A major current policy concern is to reintegrate young drop-outs.

我们应当将国家经济重新纳入世界经济中去。We should reintegrate our nation's economy into the world economy.

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可能有多达40,000前叛军解除武装和重返社会。There could be as many as 40,000 former rebels to disarm and reintegrate.

她说,大约要花18个月的时间让他们重新融入社区。She says it takes about 18 months to reintegrate them into their communities.

对于塔利班分子来说,这是一次的重返阿富汗社会的机遇。These are venues, opportunities for the Taliban to reintegrate into Afghan society.

接下来就是设法让那些吸毒的人重新回到正常地生活中。The next step is to try to reintegrate the addict into life at an appropriate stage.

所有和平协议应包括复原和将童兵重新融入社会的具体措施。All peace agreements should include specific measures to demobilize and reintegrate child soldiers into society.

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只有勇敢地面对过去,像月子那样为自己的行为忏悔,才能重新聚合自己的精神。Only by facing up to the past and apologizing for one's actions, as Tsukiko does, can a person reintegrate their psyche.

11月初,联合国发起了一项自愿性的信用基金,以帮助人口贩运受害者重新融入社会。Earlier in November, the United Nations launched a voluntary trust fund to help trafficking victims reintegrate into society.

“现在,这些数以千计的塔利班您要在思想上解决和重新融入社会对我们没有,”卡尔扎伊说。"Now, these thousands of the Taliban that you are trying to address and reintegrate are ideologically not against us, " said Karzai.

很多心理治疗师,如弗里茨佩尔斯常常把心理治疗的目标描述为帮助个案把他们自身分裂的各部分重新整合起来。Many therapists, for example Fritz Perls, often described the therapeutic goal of helping patients reintegrate split-off parts of themselves.

使人们从精神病医院重新融入社区的项目涉及支持规划,可包括帮助寻找就业。Projects to reintegrate people back into the community from psychiatric hospitals involve programmes of support which can include help to find employment.

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这部时长228分钟的影片主要讲述一名教师因一起非其所为的谋杀案而含冤入狱30年后重新融入社会的挣扎。The film, which lasts 228 minutes, focuses on the struggle of a schoolteacher to reintegrate into society after 30 years in prison for a murder she didn't commit.

当事人中心治疗的核心即是透过无条件积极关注的咨访关系来促成当事人自我的重建和人格的重整。The process of client-centered therapy is to regenerate the self and reintegrate the personality penetrating unconditional positive regard in counselor and client's relationship.

我们政治战略中的一项关键内容将是支持在阿富汗领导下进行的将那些与“基地”组织决裂、放下武器并参与政治程序的塔利班人员重新融入社会的努力。A key element of our political strategy will be supporting Afghan-led efforts to reintegrate Taliban who renounce al-Qa’ida, lay down their arms, and engage in the political process.

早些时候,美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿对代表们说,阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊提出的让塔利班武装分子重归社会的计划将给阿富汗带来更大的稳定和安全。Earlier, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told delegates Afghan President Hamid Karzai's plan to reintegrate Taliban militants would bring greater stability and security to the country.

她称赞湖区当地政府为去激进化,并重塑博科哈拉姆叛逃者所做出的努力,这也强调了人们为远离战场而寻求一条可靠途径的需求。She applauded efforts of local governments in the Lac region to de-radicalize and reintegrate Boko Haram defectors, which underscore the need for a credible path to leave from the battlefield.

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受着各种本不应该接受的惊吓,那些儿童军人为了努力重返社会,变成了令人惧怕的攻击者,小偷以及吸毒者。Traumatised by events that neither adults nor children should ever have to experience, former child soldiers have become feared aggressors, thieves and addicts who struggle to reintegrate in society.