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广霍香精油也被广泛地使用在现代香水中。Patchouli has also been used extensively in modern perfumery.

在现代,广藿香精油仍然被广泛用于制造香水。Patchouli has also been used extensively in modern perfumery.

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里面含有大麻以及桔子和金盏花的味道。It contains hemp oil as well as the smell of orange and patchouli.

广藿香有一种很多人喜欢用作香水的可爱泥土香味。Patchouli is a lovely earthy scent that many like to wear as perfume.

19世纪以后,在香水中使用广藿香的做法渐渐普及开来。The usage of patchouli in perfume has been increasing since the 19th century.

广霍香精油对各种皮肤保养问题的治疗也很好。Patchouli essential oil can also be good for a variety of skincare treatments.

非常强力的气味净化魔法油﹐广藿香根浸泡在每一瓶油内。Powerfully scented annointing oil, with patchouli root soaking in each bottle.

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基调是檀香,琥珀,麝香,广藿香和零陵香木。The base is composed of cedarm sandalwood, amber, musk, patchouli and Guaiac wood.

广霍香精油还有促进细胞再生和抑制真菌的特点。Patchouli also has cell-regeneration properties and also has fungicidal properties.

含檀香、薰衣草、玫瑰、鼠尾草、广藿香、天竺葵、葡萄籽油等成分。Contain Lemon, Lavender, Rose, Sage, Patchouli and Geranium essential oils-Wheat germ oil.

在中国、日本马来西亚等国家,从古代就使用广霍香。Patchouli has been used since ancient times by countries such as China, Japan and Malaysia.

广霍香精油,在东方,传说中被发现作为一种传统的药物使用。Patchouli essential oil has traditionally found its uses as a traditional medicine in the East.

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广霍香精油也用作抗抑郁剂,对抗紧张和焦虑有较好的功效。Patchouli can also act as an anti-depressant and can work well on all stress related conditions and anxiety.

质量好的广藿香精油应该有一种浑厚的,带有草本甜味及辛辣味的芳香,底调泥土气息浓厚。A good quality patchouli oil should be rich, sweet herbaceous, aromatic spicy with earthy, root-like undertones.

广霍香精油的气味比绝大部分其它精油持续更久,所以使用时只需少量。The scent from Patchouli will last longer than most other Essential Oils, so should be used in small quantities.

两种植物精油能有效抑制食欲,那就是广藿香和乳香精油。Two essential oil can stop it which are Patchouli and frankincense. When smell them, you will feel that you’re full.

广霍香精油主要的传统的用法是作一种滋补品。广霍香也被用作兴奋剂和防腐剂。The main traditional uses for patchouli were as a tonic. Patchouli has also been used as a stimulant and as an antiseptic.

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广藿香通常是长在偏远地区的小块土地上,人们通常只是用剪刀或小刀去收割。Patchouli is often grown on small plots in remote areas whereharvesting is usually done by hand using just scissors or knives.

在发现它具有驱虫剂的功能之后,丝绸和羊绒商贩们会在他们的货物中卷进广藿香叶子。Recognizing its insect-repellant properties, the traders of silk and cashmere used patchouli leaves to fold inside their wares.

很快,散发着广藿香芬芳的羊毛披肩在19世纪的法国流行了开来,带动了将广藿香作为原始香材使用的风潮。Soon, patchouli redolent shawls become fashionable in the 19th century France, paralleling the rise of patchouli as a fragrance ingredient.