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今天?什么时候都可以?Today? Anytime?

我可以随时打败你。I can beat you anytime.

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我随时可能被杀死。I could be killed anytime.

丫头,随时给我打电话。Hey, call me anytime kiddo.

随时欢迎您的光临。And you are welcome anytime.

欢迎随时来坐坐。Feel free to drop in anytime.

我随时都乐意帮助你。I'm happy to help you anytime.

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任何时候我都会爱她的。I would have loved her anytime.

“路遇”,随时随地,邂逅心动!Meet new friends, anytime anywhere.

只是这句话能用在任何时候任何人身上。But it can be for anyone at anytime.

你任何时候都能款待老爸。You can treat dad to dinner anytime.

我还有可以随时运行的测试。I also have tests that I can run anytime.

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你听过玛丽娅·卡拉斯唱歌吗?Did you anytime apprehend Maria Callas sing?

记住你可以随时随地练习。Remember you can do it anytime in any place.

他说我们可以在祷告过程中的任何时候这样做。He says that we should do it anytime we pray.

同时品尝你的醉人醇美的嘴唇,在任何时候。Taste your lips of wine anytime night or day.

每当我忘记了的时候,事情好像就乱了套一样。Anytime I forget this, things seem to unravel.

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翠平说我拔脚就能走。Cuiping replied, "I can leave anytime I want."

我有可能随时被某位能人智士挤下来。I could be bumped off anytime by the Almighty.

它可以做饭都为我的家人。It could cook the meals anytime for my family.