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人在沙漠里很快就会脱水。People can very quickly dehydrate in the desert.

如果我忘记给花浇水,他们就会缺水而死。When I forget to water my plants, they dehydrate and die.

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你可能需要一杯水,因为流汗会带走身体水分。You may need a glass of water as the sweat could dehydrate you.

他们不仅可以给你空热量,但会脱水你。They can not only give you empty calories, but will dehydrate you.

采用这种方式的葡萄会变得非常成熟而形成脱水的状态。In this method the grapes become overripe and dehydrate on the vine.

地狱黏胶陷阱会让黏著的动物慢慢的缺水或窒息而死。Gruesome glue traps cause animals to slowly dehydrate or suffocate to death.

而喝得太多,咖啡因会导致你口渴或者升高你的血压。Drink much more than that and the caffeine can dehydrate you or raise your blood pressure.

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严重者可有呕血、黑粪、甚至失水、以及中毒及休克等。Serious person can have haematemesis , melaena, dehydrate even, and toxic reach shock to wait.

抗过敏药和抗组胺药可使皮肤脱水,需要保湿效果好的保湿剂。Allergy medicines and antihistamines can dehydrate skin, making a richer moisturizer necessary.

而载银载铜后结晶水、沸石水和结构水的失去温度略有提高。And the dehydrate temperatures of crystal water, zeolite water, frame water were all increased slightly.

将洗后羊绒衫内的水挤出,放入网兜在洗衣机的脱水筒中脱水。Squeeze the water out of the sweater. Put the cloth into the net bag then dehydrate in the wash machine.

没有这样的结构,许多温血动物将很快脱水,特别是在干燥的气候条件下。Without these structures, many warm-blooded animals would quickly dehydrate , especially in dry climates.

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没有这样的结构,许多温血动物将很快脱水,特别是在干燥的气候条件下。Without these structures , many warm-blooded animals would quickly dehydrate , especially in dry climates.

因为炎热会使你的身体脱水,你可能会寻找另外的液体饮料来补充水分。Since the heat tends to dehydrate the body you will likely seek additional quantities of liquid refreshment.

这将阻塞你的毛孔,促成黑头和皮肤脱水,所有这些都加重了皮肤老化的迹象。It will clog your pores, promote blackheads, and dehydrate your skin, all of which enhance the signs of aging.

该法较常用的高氯酸脱水重量法操作简单、快速,具有较好的准确度。The method is simple, fast and accurate, compared with conventional perchloric acid dehydrate gravimetric analysis.

这些饮料只会让你脱水,这样又会使你适应时差的能力变弱。The latter will only dehydrate you, which in turn delays your body’s ability to get used to the change in time zones.

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高浓度糖将把微生物所必需的水分从其细胞壁内直接吸走,导致其脱水。High concentrations of sugar will suck the microbe's vital water right through its cell wall, causing it to dehydrate.

首先通过硅酸盐水泥与铝酸盐水泥复合试验,找出两种水泥的最佳复合比例。In this experiment, portland cement, calcium aluminate cement and dehydrate gypsum is used for cementitious materials.

把湿的蚕丝棉兜用甩干机脱去水分,再用尼龙线串起来拿到太阳下晒干。Dehydrate the wet silk pockets with the drying machine, and then string them together with nylon lines and dry in the sun.