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但这只是一个单子。But it's just one monad.

更进一步,将像一个解析器的单子是我最喜欢的例子。To go further, introducing something like a Parser monad is a favorite example of mine.

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所有Monad的是,在一份“预先确定的和谐”相互之间以及与上帝,最高人民法院单子。All monads are in a "pre-established harmony" with each other and with God, the supreme monad.

我不能算是精通monad,但是我觉得mondads和multi-methods及macros都差不多。I am not a monad master by any means, but I feel similarly about mondads as I do about multi-methods and macros.

同理,DNA层次的智力,也是一步一步设计制造出单细胞生物、细胞生物,直至自诩为万物之灵的人类。In the same way, intelligence at DNA's level designed and fabricated from monad to multi-cell being then to human.

因此莱布尼茨认为在单子的特性中,最主要的是单子是精神性的,和单子自身具有能动性的力。Leibniz believes that most important in the characteristics of the Monad is the spirit of nature, and it's own initiative force.

单子的本质在于表象,单子表象的是事物,正是单子的表象的不同证明了物质的连续性。Idea is the essence of Monad, the appearance of Monad is things, it is the appearance of the different Monads prove that the continuity of world.

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另外,莱布尼茨认为物质世界实际也是单子构成的,在事物中占统治地位的单子决定了事物的性质。In addition, Leibniz believes that the material world is also actual composed of Monads, dominant Monad in things determines the nature of things.

现代不可知论在试图超越主客二元分立的认识方式的基础上,强调主体世界的一元性,而走向一种彻底的不可知论。Post-Modern agnosticism stressed the monad of subject world by attempting to transcend the dichotomy of subject and object, which is an extreme agnosticism.

在莱布尼茨看来,单子就是组成复合物的基础实体,每一个单子内部都以一种单纯、稳定的方式储存了宇宙的全部信息。For Leibniz, a Monad is part of a fundamental multiplicity and each one, within its heart, carries all the information of the universe in a single, stable form.

如果Rich开放该reader,我想一定很酷,或许这将帮助为模式匹配和monad实现创建良好的语法。I suppose it would be cool if Rich opened up the reader, it might help out for creating nice syntax for things like the pattern matching and monad implementations.

说明ISSR分子标记可以鉴别出单孢菌株的差异,从而避免杂交工作的盲目性和重复性,有效减少杂交工作量。The experiment showed that ISSR marker could distinguish the difference of monad strains to avoid the blindness and repetitiveness and to effectively reduce the workload.

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然而,除了变化原则外,单子中还得有承受这一改变的杂多,这个杂多就构成了简单实体的特殊性和多样性。Now besides this principle of change there must also be in the monad a variety which changes. This variety constitutes, so to speak, the specific nature and the variety of the simple substances.