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你已经越线了。You've crossed a line.

他东渡去日本He crossed over to Japan.

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肯定是串线了。The lines must be crossed.

隐士举手合十在他的额顶。The Hermit crossed his brow.

我们一起过了约旦河。We crossed the Jordan River.

邪恶的笑容闪过我的脸庞。An evil grin crossed my face.

我在毛的脸上打了个叉。I sort of crossed Mao's face.

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我穿越了时间的瀚海寻找你。I've crossed the oceans of time.

他们安全地穿过了马路。They crossed the road in safety.

他们已东渡去日本了。They have crossed over to Japan.

他把他的名字从名单上划掉。He crossed his name off the list.

他坐下来,交叉着双腿。He sat down and crossed his legs.

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这两辆汽车迎面错过。The two cars crossed on the road.

我们离开艾兹村,然后穿过大桥。We left Èze and crossed a bridge.

他涂掉了一个数字。He crossed out one of the numbers.

她在1990年东渡去日本。She crossed over to Japan in 1990.

他们把他的名字从名单上勾掉了。They crossed his name off the list.

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他终于投到我们这一边来。He crossed over to our side at last.

我十大步走到街那边。I crossed the street in ten strides.

鼠皮,鸦革,交叉棍杖Rat’s coat, crowskin, crossed staves