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瑞吉儿家今晚正在举行乔迁庆宴。Rachel's having a housewarming tonight.

几乎没个人都来参加庆祝迁居的聚会。Nearly everybody came to the housewarming party.

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她兴许想送我们一件乔迁礼物呢。She'll probably want to send us a housewarming gift.

你空手去吗?你没有带个什么新居礼物?Ken, are you empty handed? Didn't you bring a housewarming gift?

这个星期五晚上你想不想参新居入住派对?would you like to join the housewarming party this Friday night?

乔迁之喜的晚会上,我们玩得很痛快。We were really living it up at John's housewarming party last night.

星期五晚上要不要来参加我的派对?。Jennifer, would you like to come to my housewarming party this Friday night?

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这个周末我和赫拉克勒斯一道去参加了朋友在湖上举行的乔迁庆宴。Hercules and I went to a friend's housewarming party on the lake this weekend.

本周六下午我们要开个暖居派对,派对下午1点开始。We are having a housewarming party on Saturday afternoon. It stars at 1.00 pm.

当别人搬进新屋子时,送上一份乔迁之喜礼物是一种民俗。When someone moves into a new home, it is the custom to give a "housewarming" gift.

当别人搬进新房子时,送上一份乔迁之喜礼物是一种风俗。When someone moves into a new home, it is the custom to give a "housewarming" gift.

开一个乔迁宴会是迎接新、老伴侣的绝好体例。Holding a housewarming party is a good way to welcome new and old friends to your home.

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星期六晚上我和史蒂夫有一些朋友要来参加庆贺乔迁之喜的晚宴。Steve and I have some people over saturday night-sort of a housewarming party for the new place.

在搬进新公寓后,我妻子和我想邀请所有的朋友大吃一顿,庆祝乔迁之喜。My wife and I want to invite all our friends to a big housewarming after we have moved into our new apartment.

马尔科夫的妻子决定和亲戚住在一起,而他则决定开一个“暖房聚会”。On Tuesday night Malkoff, whose wife decided to stay with relatives, is planning to throw a housewarming party.

汤姆•克鲁斯和凯蒂•赫尔姆斯于上周六晚在家中举办了一个盛大豪华的乔迁派对,共有五百多位宾客到场恭贺。Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes hosted a lavish, over-the-top housewarming last Saturday night for more than 500 guests.

在新婚、乔迁之际大量消费、重复消费,家纺用品承载着喜庆功能与礼品功能。In newly-married, as a consumer, repeat housewarming consumption, home textile products bearing the festive gifts and function.

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我们想邀请你在这个星期六晚上,到我们的新居来参加我们的“乔迁新居”聚会,庆祝一下。We'd like to invite you this coming Saturday evening to our new flat and join our housewarming party to celebrate the occasion.

林恩正从她的房子被驱逐,在她刚充满讽刺乔迁党上周,只是大家都还知道。Lynne is getting evicted from her house, the one in which she just had an irony-filled housewarming party last week, merely we all yet knew that.

家庭会议,王新严表示允许汪国庆谢小米择日乔迁,并举行家庭酒会,特别是戴骨顺,必须出席。Family meeting, said Wang Xinyan allows guo-qing wang xie millet housewarming nativity, and held a family party, especially with bone, must attend.