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我们是大兵团。We are Legion.

他曾尝试创立阿拉伯军团。He tried to create an Arab Legion.

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二军团在中央公积金手电筒市场。Legion II flashlights at CPF Marketplace.

法国的外籍军团都是外籍人吗?France's Foreign Legion are foreign people ?

这个法术召唤一个军团的行刑吏。This spell summons an entire legion of Lictors.

他去寻找萨格拉斯,燃烧军团的创始人。He sought out Sargeras, creator of the Burning Legion.

邪恶的兽族宇宙人被送往宇宙为燃烧军团而战。Fel Orc sent into space to fight for the demonic legion.

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整个图案由带有古罗马军团勋章的环带饰品。The entire pattern from a Roman Legion Medal jewelry ring.

在他的铁甲上,有个银质的功勋十字章。On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor.

黄昏时分,埃及普塔军团先头部队赶到,加入战斗。Dusk, Egypt Legion spearheads Gupta arrived to join the fighting.

德扬博物馆是个令人惊叹的地方,它被称作“荣誉的殿堂”。The De Young is an amazing museum or the Legion of Honor, it's called.

大地之上玛门野兽将重生,数目将会暴增。And the beast reborn spread over the earth and its numbers grew legion.

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你想要靠著圆盘的力量从阿克蒙德和他的首领手中来接管整个燃烧军团!You want to take over the Burning Legion from Archimonde and his master!

穿一件蓝色的披风,排胸扣的,还挂着荣誉勋章。In a blue frock-coat buttoned up close decorated with the legion of honor.

除了“荣誉的殿堂”以外,第二个中心是亚洲艺术博物馆,And also under the Legion of Honor, the second hub is the Asian art museum

在教堂大门外,有来自英国军团的退伍老兵组成的仪仗队。Outside the church door, veterans from the British Legion form a guard of honor.

常州为江南水乡,河渠纵横,桥梁众多。Changzhou is a water country of the Jiangnan, canals criss-crossing, bridges legion.

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圣母军交流会是华文圣母军年度集会。The Legion Annual Fellowship is an annual gathering of Chinese-speaking Legionaries.

虽然邮费相对低廉,但是丢失信件的轶事简直举不胜举。Postal rates were relatively cheap, but anecdotal accounts of lost letters are legion.

凯撒军团主要由被其征服的部落以及他们的后代组成。The Caesar's Legion is comprised mostly of reconditioned tribals and their descendants.