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获得一个存根。Obtain a stub.

这是一张票根。This is a ticket stub.

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我上星期看到了他的工资单。I saw his pay stub last week.

有收据和存根。There are the receipt and stub.

燃气炉在后院为烧烤而设。Gas stub for Barbeque in Backyard.

他把铅笔头扔了。He has thrown away the pencil stub.

我无法用这根铅笔头写字。I can't write with this pencil stub.

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掐灭烟头,让它成为你的最后一根烟。Stub out that cigarette and make it your last.

她会坐在那儿用铅笔头画画。She would sit there drawing with the pencil stub.

如果你砸到了脚或是绊了一跤,你会感到疼痛If you bang your toe or stub your toe you feel pain.

他用铅笔在我的计划上划了叉叉。What a pencil stub he crossed out my entire schedule.

他用一小段铅笔化掉我的整张表格。With a pencil stub he crossed out my entire schedule.

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持INTRO2010音乐节门票副券2免费入场。Free entry with INTRO 2010 festival ticket second stub.

要做到这点,需要一个远程对象的存根类。To do this, you need a stub class of the remote object.

富尔康跳了起来,从他那架子上拿下了一个铅笔头儿。Faulcon jumped up and took a pencil stub down from his shelf.

我今天感觉太爷们儿了,我应该去弄伤我的脚趾。I was feeling so manly today, then I had to go and stub my toe.

我最好还是自己拿着票根吧,以防他们不让我进来。I’d better hold on my ticker stub in case they won’t let me in.

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只使用了五行代码,我就有了一个可工作的存根。With a mere five lines of code, I have a workable testing stub.

本教程最后将开发一个存根增强器工具。This tutorial series concludes by developing a stub enhancer tool.

路由器收到来自存根域的这台计算机发送的数据包。The router receives the packet from the computer on the stub domain.