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她是个巧言令色的说谎高手。She was a plausible liar.

她有一张巧嘴。She has a plausible tongue.

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这是一个很似是而非的情景。This is a very plausible situation.

这个似乎合理的提法是不准确的。This plausible suggstion is not accurate.

这个观点似乎有一定的说服力And it seems like a plausible enough view.

一场中美贸易争战的爆发也实在是很合乎情理。A Sino-American trade spat is all too plausible.

自动化和手工测试都是似是而非的。Both automation and manual testing are plausible.

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然而,第二种解释似乎更为合理。However, a second explanation seems more plausible.

有些猜想貌似有理,但所有猜想都是不明确的。Some of it is plausible but none of it is definite.

所以,是老年医学的一个似是而非的追求?So, is the field of gerontology a plausible pursuit?

黄金时段将禁播古装剧,这样合理吗?Is it plausible to ban the costume drama at prime time?

认为机器人可以做到这一点,似乎再自然不过It seems pretty plausible to think robots could do that.

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郭伯伟对此类政策给出了两个貌似可信的理由。Cowperthwaite gave two plausible reasons for such efforts.

在这一层面上,同为候选的华盛顿更为贴合。Washington, DC, looks a more plausible candidate for that.

不过,至少可以证明其具备似乎可信的资格。But at least a plausible qualification can be demonstrated.

上面两种情况听起来似乎不太一样,可你真的看到了不同吗?Does that sound plausible that you could see the difference?

希腊债务危机草草收场似乎比以往来得更有理有据。MESSY end to Greece's debt crisis seems ever more plausible.

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曼涅托声称摩西是一位埃及人的观点是相当似是而非的。Manetho's claim that Moses was an Egyptian is quite plausible.

他们的冒险事迹真够刺激,可完全是合情合理的。Their various adventures are exciting, but perfectly plausible.

“最真实的解释就是黑暗能量”,扎普迪说。"The most plausible explanation is dark energy, " Szapudi said.