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我们处于世纪之末。We are clearly at the end of an epoch.

革命时代造就伟大的人物。The epoch of revolution creates great figures.

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在沙发冲浪的时间里,2个月是一个时代。In couch-surfing time, two months was an epoch.

被烤焦的睡椅放在时代门廊内。The scorched couch is put in the porch of epoch.

为什么不管这叫大寒或者冷冻时代?Why not cry it the Big Chill or the Nippy epoch?

工程场地内存在若干条印支—燕山期逆断层。These thrusts occurred in the Yinzhi-Yanshan epoch.

他的教学方式标志了教育的新时代。His teaching method marked a new epoch in education.

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1992年是一个新纪元。The year of 1992 was the beginning of the new epoch.

繁漪那火炽热情,强悍灵魂的本质是时代的觉醒。Fan Yi' s passion and doughty soul are epoch arousal.

不过,直到我生命的那一刻为止,我都白活了。But, up to that epoch of my life, I had lived in vain.

它们首次出现于晚宾夕法尼亚纪。They first appear during the Late Pennsylvanian epoch.

这是这个地方在某个久远的时代的样子。That’s what the place looked like at some remote epoch.

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该书莫明其妙地成了我的童年生活中一个新时期的标志。The book unaccountably marked an epoch in my young life.

世界历史上一个新纪元的序幕揭开了。The curtain was rung up on a new epoch in world history.

成矿时代属早—中海西期。The metallogenic epoch should be early-middle Hercynian.

上次执行清单回收筒的时间,从纪元后算起的日数。The last time empty trash was run, in days since the epoch.

当时巴黎的街道上一盏煤气灯也还没有。At that epoch there were no gas-jets in the streets of Paris.

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格兰特夫妇和克劳福特姐弟的到场是一个有力的转折。The entrance of a Grants and Crawfords was a favourable epoch.

“三江源”生态难民是具有时代性、地域性的问题。Ecological refugee is a population problem in epoch and region.

密勒的时代在英国历史上形成了一个自然的新时代。The age of Mill constitutes a natural epoch in English History.