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他们走进那银行的储蓄所,让人家看到了。They were seen to enter the depositary of the bank.

这家银行在2000年发生了坍塌,现在只有储藏室还遗留着。The bank collapsed in 2000 and now only the depositary is left.

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作为协定受托国,日本国政府将负责接收进一步签名。The Government of Japan will receive further signatures, as the Depositary of the ACTA.

中国石油的美国存托股票估值与H股接近。The valuation of PetroChina's American depositary shares is close to the Hong Kong shares.

最负盛名的应该是“露齿菩萨”和藏经阁。The most prestigious should be "usual broad Bodhisattva" and the depositary of Buddhist texts.

中行则必须本人带身份证去开户银行的柜台才能办理注销手续。Bank of identity must I take to the counter to the depositary bank for cancellation procedures.

国际保藏单位由于任何原因,特别是由于下列原因不能提供所保藏的微生物样品。Where the international depositary authority cannot furnish samples of the deposited microorganism for any reason, in particular.

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大会首届会议应至迟于本条约生效后30天内由保存人召开。The initial session of the Conference shall be convened by the Depositary no later than 30 days after the entry into force of this Treaty.

信贷资产证券化发起机构和贷款服务机构不得担任同一交易的资金保管机构。The originator and loan servicer of a securitization of credit assets shall not act as the fund depositary institution in the same transaction.

土豆把它的美国存托凭证价格定在预期范围的中点,29美元/股,融资超过1.7亿美元。Tudou priced its American depositary receipts at 29 US Dollar a share, the midpoint of its expected range, raising over 170 million US dollars.

同时,西门子通过美国存托凭证方式在纽约证券交易所上市,其他类似德国企业还包括德意志银行和德国电信。Siemens also trades in New York on the NYSE through American depositary receipts, as fellow German companies like Deutsche Bank and Deutsche Telekom.

阁下持有未以阁下名义登记并存放于中央结算系统内的上市股票,而欲收取有关上市公司之通讯。You wish to receive the corporate communication for securities of which you are the non-registered underlying owner and are held in the CCASS Depositary.

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为参观者提供物品的寄存服务。在各出入口处和园区内相应的服务区设置寄存服务和自助寄存,参观者可自主选择寄存方式。Visitors may deposit their personal articles at the depositary counters and self-service terminals at entrance areas and specific areas within the Expo park.

修订案由保管人送交所有缔约国以便接受,并通报所有该公约的签字国。The amendment is communicated by the depositary to all the Contracting States for acceptance and to all the States signatories of the Convention for information.

就像许多通过发行美国存托凭证在美上市的中国公司一样,江西赛维的注册地是开曼群岛,因此它可以不遵守美国的许多信息披露规定。As with many Chinese companies trading under American Depositary Receipts, LDK is based in the Cayman Islands and thus doesn't have to follow many U.S. disclosures rules.

全封闭空间包括寺院内部功能部分如大雄宝殿、僧寮、念佛堂、禅堂和藏经阁等。Enclosed space consists of some internal functions such as the Grand Buddha Hall, Monks Dorm, Praying Hall, Meditation Hall and the Depositary of Buddhist Texts and so on.

批准书和加入书应交存于美利坚合众国政府,该国政府已被指定为保存国政府。Instruments of ratification and instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America, hereby designated as the depositary Government.

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第三十七条资产支持证券名称应与发起机构、受托机构、贷款服务机构和资金保管机构名称有显著区别。Article 37 There shall be a significant difference between the name of the asset-backed securities and that of the originator, trustee, loan servicer or fund depositary institution.

退约通知中明定有更长期限者,则保管人收到通知后该更长期限届满时,该退约发生效力。Where a longer period is specified in the notification, the denunciation takes effect upon the expiration of such longer period after the notification is received by the depositary.

凡退出文件中规定退出生效的更长期间者,则退出在向保管人交存该退出文件后该更长期间届满时生效。Where a longer period for the denunciation to take effect is specified in the instrument of denunciation it takes effect upon expiration of such longer period after its deposit with the depositary.