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一架直升机出现在他们上空。A copter appeared in the sky above them.

美国海豹直升机被塔利班击落。Seals' copter shot down by Taliban rocket.

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中国培养首批女性直升机飞行员。China trains first batch of female copter pilots.

第一架直升机的飞行员被困在了飞机里,遇难了。The pilot of the first copter was pinned in the wreckage.

他谈到,为了释放赚大钱的压力,没有什么比乘直升机在天上翱翔更有效果了。To relieve the stress of making vast sums of money, he said, there is nothing like zipping around in a copter.

然后这架飞机将在房子上空悬停,James和剩下的6个海豹队员将降落到房顶。The copter would then hover over the house and James and the remaining six SEALs would shimmy down to the roof.

这个玩意长着大而闪亮的眼睛,多毛的腿,膜状的水平旋翼,和彩色的伪装机体,看上去就像雨林里与之类似的虫子一样危险。With big glowing eyes, bushy legs, membranous X-rotors and colorful camouflaged body, the copter looks as menacing as any of its flesh-and-bile rainforest counterpart.

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一款非常好玩的3D游戏,通过加速传感器来驾驶你的疯狂直升机,点击屏幕来射击地上的坦克,大炮及其他飞机等等目标。Crazy Choppers is insanely fun 3D game. Fly your crazy copter by tilting your device. Shoot at enemy vehicles, tanks, guns, planes and choppers by tapping the touchscreen.

还有一种有意思的发展方向就是像欧洲战役机和欧洲直升机那样由多个国家和公司组成一个跨国机构的出产制造平台。The other interesting trend is the formation of trans-national consortiums of nations and companies to manufacture superior platforms like the Euro fighter or the Euro copter.

问题在于改进这种直升机代价昂贵,而且它只承担一项任务——在北越的通信电缆上秘密投放窃听装置。The problem was that modifying the copter was expensive, and there was only one mission for it -- to help secretly drop wiretapping equipment on a North Vietnamese communications cable.

被罚款了,但这点钱对关先生来说算不上惩罚,所以他的美国产的罗宾逊直升机还停在他的游艇俱乐部里一个类似的机库里,俱乐部建在温州市区30分钟以外的浑浊的瓯江岸边。Punished but hardly chastened, Mr.Guan keeps his American-made Robinson copter in a quasi hangar at his yacht club, on the banks of the milky Ou River some 30 minutes from downtown Wenzhou.

官虽然受到惩罚但是依旧我行我素,他将美国产罗宾逊直升机停放在其游艇俱乐部的准机库中,这里位于浑浊的南乌河畔,距离温州市区30分钟车程。Punished but hardly chastened, Mr.Guan keeps his American-made Robinson copter in a quasi hanger at his yacht club, on the banks of the milky Ou River some 30 minutes from downtown Wenzhou.

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被罚款了,但这点钱对关先生来说算不上惩罚,所以他的美国产的罗宾逊直升机还停在他的游艇俱乐部里一个类似的机库里,俱乐部建在温州市区30分钟以外的浑浊的瓯江岸边。Punished but hardly chastened, Mr. Guan keeps his American-made Robinson copter in a quasi hangar at his yacht club, on the banks of the milky Ou River some 30 minutes from downtown Wenzhou.

官虽然受到惩罚但是依旧我行我素,他将美国产罗宾逊直升机停放在其游艇俱乐部的准机库中,这里位于浑浊的南乌河畔,距离温州市区30分钟车程。Punished but hardly chastened, Mr. Guan keeps his American-made Robinson copter in a quasi hanger at his yacht club, on the banks of the milky Ou River some 30 minutes from downtown Wenzhou.