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这对他来说是一个痛苦的决定。It was an agonizing decision for him.

我不知道生活为什么这样折磨我!I don't know why life has to be so agonizing.

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把时间折腾在这上面,是浪费时间。Time spent agonizing over them is time wasted.

点球地守门员来说简直是酷刑。The penalty kick was agonizing to the goal-keeper.

慢性疼痛是一种无形的痛苦症状。Chronic pain is an invisible and agonizing symptom.

这是一种让人受尽折磨、痛苦难忍的杀人方法。This is a torturous, agonizing way to kill someone.

我在那里度过了一个痛苦难忍的夜晚。I was there for the rest of the night in agonizing pain.

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不一会儿,他因难忍的剧痛瘫到在地。Soon after, he collapsed to the ground in agonizing pair.

他的妻子和癌症抟斗三年后辞世。His wife died after an agonizing three-year siege of cancer.

她的调查非正统,靠直觉,最终,让观众揪心。Her investigation is unorthodox, intuitive and ultimately agonizing.

迦洛德猛拉他坐骑跑到一边才免于痛苦的死去。Jarod yanked his mount aside just in time to avoid an agonizing death.

这五蕴炽然而盛,如火一般,烧得人精神痛苦万分。The five skandhas burn us up and keep us in a state of agonizing pain.

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采取何种图表来表达这一结果令人头痛Lots of agonizing went into what sort of a graphic to create to do this.

我足足两天一直感觉到身前、身后的剧痛。For two days, I had agonizing pain in both the back and front of my body.

在他被逮捕之前,他在客西马尼园里有一段痛苦的时光。Before his arrest, he had those agonizing moments in the Garden of Gethsemane.

二十八年之后,通用汽车在重组风波中浴火重生。Twenty-eight years later, GM is emerging from another agonizing reorganization.

在这场痛苦不堪的经历之后,我还得去沃尔多市接受出院治疗。After that agonizing experience, I had to go to outpatient therapy in Waldorf, MD.

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这些政策就像毒蝎子的尾巴一样螫得人生不如死。Their policies were like tails of poisonous scorpions stinging and agonizing people.

某些工作把我们变成了熬时间的人,祈求着难熬的每一分钟快些过去。Some sorts of jobs turn us into clock-watchers who wait for each agonizing minute to pass.

她对我说,最令人痛苦的折磨就是苦苦等待测试结果的那一周时间。The most agonizing part of the ordeal, she said, was the week-long wait for the test results.