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另一个陈腐的方法,却很有效。Another trite one. But it works.

她喜欢问犄角旮旯儿的问题。She likes to ask trite questions.

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说他已经超越完美似乎有点儿陈词滥调了,但看起来他的确如此。It may sound trite to say he is greater than perfect, but that is how it seemed.

这种陈词滥调很容易被嗤为不作为的空洞借口。It is tempting to dismiss this trite formulation as a meaningless excuse for inaction.

诗人用押韵的形式把陈旧的万事俱备串连起来,一时间也成为伟人。Does a poet siring up trite sentiments in rhyme? he also becomes the great man of the hour.

我对丹尼尔说的那些话既晦涩又老套,空洞无文。然而,它却道出了一切。What I had said to Daniel was clumsy and trite. It was nothing. And yet, it was everything.

他们依靠老工业备用或包装宣传活动,是“累”和“平庸”。They rely on the old industry standbys or packaging campaigns that are "tired" and "trite. "

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在演讲中,这样的说法可以用,但是在写作中它们已经乏味陈旧犹如朽木了。Although these phrases can work in speeches, they come across as wooden and trite in writing.

不过也许我们的确该问问自己,是否过度相信这种人云亦云的陈旧看法。But maybe we do need to ask ourselves if we are placing too much credence in this trite remark.

其实美国人的确常用这老套的问候方式,而他们所期待的,也只是一般的标准回答。Well, Americans do often use this trite greeting, and they generally expect nothing but the standard answer.

那些向来为世人竞相追求的目标——财产、奢华和外在的成功——我对此不屑一顾。The trite objects of human efforts—possessions, outward success, luxury—have always seemed to me contemptible.

虽然都很清楚之前对电影剧本进行了审查,但大量的批评集中到一点上,那就是对话太无聊。Even with primarily positive reviews, the one complaint made by a large majority of critics is about the trite dialogue.

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我知道这样说有点老套,但如果您还没有清晰地定义前方的目标,那么可以非常轻松地开辟出通往一项良好计划的道路。I know it's trite to say it, but it's so easy to get off the path to a good plan if you don't have the goals clearly defined up front.

虫灾的主角——祖母绿白蜡虫,在2002年密歇根州底特律附近被第一次发现。The invation invasion of the morose emerald ash over borer was first decovered discovered near the trite Mishegen Detroit, Michigan, in 2002.

我们都曾听说过这样一句陈腐的标语”时间就是金钱”,然而,从促进个人财富的角度出发,它与我们每天的生活又有何干系呢?We’ve all heard the trite “time is money” catchphrase, but what relevance does it have in day to day life in terms of improving your financial situation?

自知知识与经验匮乏,并才智平庸,因此,谨希望幼稚的灵感可以启引智者更深层次的思索。Knowing lack of knowledge and experience with trite ability and wisdom, the author just hopes this childish inspiration may illume deeper thinking of wits.

所以陈词滥调,同样是这些年轻人开始发生字面甚至不能懒得放在内衣或接近腿走动时,在其微型服装。So trite that these same young starlets literally cannot even be bothered to put on underwear or close their legs when moving about in their micro garments.

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在向经济超级大国迈进的新兴国家中,巴西是个先锋。这一观念被广泛接受,甚至已经不新鲜了。THE notion that Brazil is in the vanguard of a group of emerging countries on their way to economic superpower-dom is so widely accepted as to have become trite.

外交部能不能不说这些官方八股和关于其他国家的过期结论,制定出清楚的外交政策主张?Is it possible for the DFA to articulate foreign policy positions without resorting to trite statements and outdated conclusions about other countries' intentions?