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您认为2007年度最具影响力的用户应用是什么呢?What do you feel were the most impactful consumer apps of 2007?

牙齿美容医师采取的最普通和最有效的技术The most common and most impactful techniques employed by cosmetic dentists are

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构建整个系统的关键就在于搜集有效的控制措施。The key to construct the whole system is to collect the impactful control measures.

医生,请选出您认为最具影响力的,于您的临床治疗最相关的前3种描述。Doctor, I want you to pick out of these 3 statements the most impactful and relevant to your practice.

提供最具动态、高效、有力的方式将销售和营销信息传递出去。Providing the most dynamic, efficient and impactful means of delivering sales and marketing materials.

医生,请选出您认为最具影响力的,于您的临床治疗最相关的前3种描述。Doctor, I want you to pick out of all these statements the top 3 most impactful and relevant to your practice.

这会在你和观众之间产生一种联系,让你的演讲更可靠更有影响力。It creates a bond between you and the audience that makes your presentation much more authentic and impactful.

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你只要创造了核心内容,其他的附加信息就会非常容易,而且还能变得更有影响力。Once you’ve created the core content each additional piece is easier and more efficient, and actually makes it more impactful.

优质的产品、协作的团队、自我创新的专业精神,是我们发展的有力保障。"High qualified products, team with cooperation spirit, continuously creative" is the impactful guarantee for our development.

了解自己在进行决策时具有怎样的倾向,实际上是一种自我提升的方式,而创业者每天都要做出有影响力的决策。Recognizing how you're predisposed to decision-making is how you improve, and entrepreneurs make impactful decisions every day.

结合作者在此项工作中的实践经验,本文总结出了一套切实可行地籍图测绘方法。Associating with our practical experiences, it provides a feasible and impactful method to survey the Cadastral maps in this paper.

尽管该住宅可能耗资巨大,然而采用的生态标准将其具有巨大的价值并值得一试。While the house will likely be quite costly, the eco-standards it is implementing will certainly make it a worthwhile and impactful venture.

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这为双方确定最有效的的合作方式、帮助彼此确定最有效的互动方式提供了机会。These provide both parties opportunity to determine the most impactful ways to partner and help each other determine the most effective ways to interact.

要改变这种情形,有什么潜在有效的方法可以使手机更好得为弱势群体服务呢?Against this backdrop, what are some of the potentially impactful ways that the mobile phone can be used to better serve those at the bottom of the pyramid?

相比之下,基于云计算的手机软件对整个市场的影响并没有那么大。In light of that comparison, the mobile cloud-based application trend seems impactful but perhaps less disruptive to the market as whole as is being purported.

在这篇文章中我列举了几种最有影响力的技巧,它们将会改变你的行为方式并产生更好的结果,获得更积极的体验。In this article I’ve listed some of the most impactful techniques that will help you change behaviour, get better results and attract more positive experiences.

节约能源,减少污染物排放,保护环境是每个企业和个人必须做到的行为规范,让我们一起来保护你我的共同家园。Economize energy, decrease infectant and protect entironment, there are obligation for everyone, so we have to take impactful actions to take care of ours homestead.

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很多显贵和NBA球星也参与其中,并落力推动这次活动,吸引举国上下投入影响深远的活动,并围绕马丁路德金的视野展开具意义的交谈。Many dignitaries and NBA players participated and promoted this event which engaged the nation in impactful service events and meaningful conversation around Dr. King’s vision.