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属于阿尔泰语系满-通古斯语族。The Hezhe language belongs to the Altaic phylum.

水母是腔肠动物部的成员。Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria.

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之所以如此,其中很重要的一点是与语系同一、方言各异有着密切的关系。One of the main reasons is that in the same phylum there are different dialects.

赭纤虫被认为是一类进化过程中较为原始的纤毛虫。Blepharisma is thought to be a relatively primitive genus in the phylum Ciliophora.

所有的节肢动物都有坚硬的外壳起到骨骼的作用。Crayfish belong to a group of animals called Crustaceans and are part of the phylum Arthropoda.

任一种微小的腹毛类水栖动物,身体似虫状,环带纲。Any of various minute aquatic animals of the phylum Gastrotricha, having a wormlike, ciliated body.

的注意。因为这一类动物属于最高的脊索或半脊索动物,包括鱼类,哺乳类动物和人。Beginning. This genus is considered a chordate , and the phylum Chordata includes fish, mammals and man.

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石菊是软体动物门头足纲石菊亚纲的一类水生动物。Ammonites are a group of marine animals of the subclass Ammonoidea in the class Cephalopoda , phylum Mollusca.

一类藻类植物。藻体一般为单细胞,有时集成群体。普遍分布于淡水,海水以及土壤中。Diatoms A phylum of the protoctista whose members are unicellular algae found in freshwater, the sea, and soil.

汉语、印尼语分属汉藏语系和南岛语系,修饰语在句中的位置分布差异较大。As an embranchment of Southland phylum , distribution of Indonesian modifiers is different from that of Chinese.

至于门这个阶层,则在随后才加上,被置于界这个层级的后面。The category of phylum was added to the classification scheme later, as a hierarchical level just beneath kingdom.

水母是刺丝胞动物门的一员,它们的足迹遍布每一个海洋,无论是在海面还是深海区,我们都能看到它们的身影。Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria . They are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea.

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蚕状海生动物,生长在角质的管内,并有一个u型的消化道。Any of the small, wormlike marine animals of the phylum Phoronida, inhabiting a chitinous tube and having a U-shaped digestive tract.

根足虫亚纲的一种原生动物,例如变形虫或放射虫目的根足虫,以通过伪足方式移动并摄取食物为特征。A protozoan of the phylum Rhizopoda, such as an amoeba or a radiolarian, characteristically moving and taking in food by means of pseudopods.

由于这种层次结构,个体同样也是Iridomyrmex属、昆虫纲和节足动物门的实例。By virtue of the hierarchy, however, that individual is also an instance of the genus Iridomyrmex, the class Insecta, and the phylum Arthropoda.

事实上,斯坦福有点沮丧,因为他没能找到星虫,一种属于星虫动物门的奇怪动物,如果能找到,那么发现的动物种类将正好是十个。Sanford isactually a little crestfallen because he can't find a peanut worm, an odd thingin the phylum Sipuncula that would give us an even ten.

一门金黄色的藻类。以前叫做金藻门,一般存在于温带的淡水种,也有少量物种存在于海水中。Chrysomonada A phylum of golden-brown algae, formerly called the Chrysophyta, common in fresh temperate waters, with a few species in marine waters.

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北大阿语系是中国高校建立最早的阿拉伯语专业。现有教授1人、副教授7人。Phylum of Beijing University A is Chinese college builds the earliest Arabic major. 7 people of 1 person of existing professor, associate professor.

门植物分类的最高类别,由一个或多个纲组成,与动物分类中的门大致对应收藏。The highest taxonomic category, consisting of one or more related classes, and corresponding approximately to a phylum in zoological classification.

但另一方面,由于节肢动物化石的产量很大,所以它依然是研究最多和最深入的一个化石门类。On the other hand, because of the big quantity of the arthropod fossils, Arthropoda is still the phylum which is researched most frequently and deeply.