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萨拉丁说要是想申请,可能得再顾一名全职员工才行。Salatin says he would need another full-time staffer.

职员安提雅•弗朗索瓦与杰夫志愿做这项工作。Staffer Etienne Francois and Jeff volunteered for the job.

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他接下来的两次感恩节则是由一位学院职员接待。His next two Thanksgivings were hosted by a college staffer.

参观人员进入车间必须由KNM公司人员陪同。The visitor go into the workshop need follow the KNM staffer.

到咨询台找一至两个馆员聊聊,看他们能提供多少帮助?Chat with a reference desk staffer or two. How helpful are they?

感染者包括一名ABC新闻编辑的婴儿。Those infected included the infant child of an ABC News staffer.

博物馆的员工南希·格里格必须在气味难闻的房间里度过几个小时。Museum staffer Nancy Greig had to spend several hours in the smelly room.

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白宫办公室主任在很多情况下,最充分执行职务的时候,其实是一个职员。The WHCF in most configurations, usually most effectively in that role, is a staffer.

像吉拉德和雅培,奥克肖特是一个政治职员之前,他第一次当选。Like Gillard and Abbott, Oakeshott was a political staffer before he was first elected.

“我们每年都有一项‘屠龙计划’”,一名员工说,“今年那条龙是谷歌。”"We always have a big dragon to slay," one staffer tells me, "and this year it's Google."

为确保记者不到处走动,一名拜登幕僚把鲍尔斯关进一间小工具间。To ensure the reporter didn't wander, a Biden staffer put Powers in a tiny storage closet.

1名飞行指挥员,1名五角大楼职员和1名中央情报局官员。One molecular biologist. A flight controller, a Pentagon staffer and a CIA intelligence officer.

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现在,当工作人员在比赛里做球探工作时,在键盘上敲一下,他就能把信息发给球队决策层的每个人。Now, when a staffer scouts a game, one keystroke emails the info to every decisionmaker on the team.

传统上,每个业务开发人员会与马丁奴所在部门的某位软件工程师共同工作。Historically, each business-development staffer worked with a specific engineer in Mr. Martino's group.

在经理人公司人员陪同之下,王学琳准时应邀接受访问。Accompanied by a staffer of her artist management company, Holly appeared punctually at the rendezvous place.

四川省遂宁市中心医院一位姓王的职工说女孩是在周四出生的。A staffer surnamed Wang at Suining City Central Hospital in Sichuan province says the girls were born Thursday.

一位接听吴壮办公室电话的公务员声称吴主任不会接受采访。An administration staffer who answered the phone at Wu's office said the director was not accepting interviews.

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吉拉德拒绝提起在国会大厦谁见了他,只是说国会工作人员。Girard declines to mention whom on Capitol Hill he'd met with, other than to say it was a congressional staffer.

“我们所做的永远都在暗处,”国际货币基金组织在非洲的员工说,“宏观经济稳定——那是什么?"What we do is always in the shade," complains an IMF staffer in Africa. "Macroeconomic stability — what is that?

2010年11月,吴振伟竞选连任后不久给下属发了张自己扮成“跳跳虎”的照片。The photo of him dressed in this tiger suit was sent to a staffer in November 2010, shortly after his re-election.