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我的神,我的王啊,我要尊从你。I will extol you, my God and King.

我们要称赞你的爱情,胜似称赞美酒。We will extol your love more than wine.

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我们应如何赞美妳,谁是妳孕育而出?。How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee?

尽管他们都交口称赞宁静的乡村生活的种种优点。Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life.

太仓,我的故乡,我用一生的时间也爱不完,赞不尽的故乡。Taicang, my hometown, I love and extol it for my whole life.

我为如是之独住者,是赞叹独住者。That is how I live alone and extol the virtues of living alone.

女人啊,当你再度向财富致敬,向名利欢呼,向权力高举臂膀。Women, when you once again salut wealth, hail fame and extol power.

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主啊,我的灵魂,我怎样才能颂扬你这么多年来对我的眷顾?Lord of my soul, how can I extol the mercies You showed me in those years?

众神祝福最后福音期开启,万王称颂全民内心敬重。Blessed to open the last dispensation, Kings shall extol him, and nations revere.

他们永远不能赢得赞誉,因为他们的行动不能贯彻到底。They cannot acquire extol forever because their action cannot carry through the end.

他是位莎士比亚作品演员,来我们学校为莎翁歌功颂德。He was a Shakespearean actor who came to our school to extol the virtues of Shakespeare.

好的,醋很好,然后我会利用一些高质量的东西,例如发酵粉和硼砂。Vinegar's great, and then I would like to extol the qualities of things like baking powder and then borax.

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一些外国人士也许会称赞中国在处理全球金融危机中发挥的作用,但温家宝依然坚持他的这一看法。Some foreigners may extol China’s handling of the global financial crisis, but Mr Wen has stuck to his guns.

复制的四个标签的六个小组颂扬的好处包括慢烤麦芽作为啤酒原料。Copy on four of the tag's six panels extol the benefits of including slow-roasted malts as a beer ingredient.

我们应当颂扬圣灵的能力使我们配享在天父面前!Oh, how should we extol the power of the Holy Ghost in thus making us fit to stand before our Father in heaven!

在注意到我和朋友好奇地打量狗肉的时候,摊主便执意对其自卖自夸。The stallholders insistently extol the virtues of the latter when they notice me and my friend looking on curiously.

信徒们赞美圣婴,借以命名厄尔尼诺这种全球气候波动现象,其意为“和平王子”。BELIEVERS extol the infant Christ, after whom the global climate oscillation El Niño is named, as the Prince of Peace.

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假如西方国家想要鼓吹以规则为基础的贸易系统的价值,首先他们就要以身作则。If western democracies want to extol the virtues of a rules-based trading system, they need to start playing by the rules.

一位顾客非常不情愿地听着服务生和她那只莫名其妙的维京人合唱队赞颂这些肉食品。A customer reluctantly listens as awaitress and her inexplicable chorus of Vikings extol the virtues of the processed meat.

一些初期的对牛奶作为钙质来源而大放赞美之词的研究论文,背后都受过乳品加工业的资金赞助,至少是部分的赞助。Some earlier studies that extol dairy products as a calcium source have been funded at least in part by the dairy industry.