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两个久别重逢的爱人去了汽车旅馆。The reunited lovers rush to a motel.

我第一次是在一家汽车旅馆的浴室。The first one I went into was in a motel bathroom.

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想知道某家汽车旅馆里是否有儿童泳池吗?Want to know if the motel has a pool for the kids?

在美国,这样的酒店则更象个一星级的汽车旅馆。In the USA, this would be more like a 1 STAR MOTEL.

如果你喜欢酒店和泳池超过露营,那想办法妥协。If you prefer a motel and pool over camping, compromise.

新的公路造好后,这家汽车旅馆的生意萧条了。Motel business went to pot when the new highway was built.

于是,她租了一个由一周延长住宿的旅馆房间。So she rented a room by the week in an extended-stay motel.

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他拿回了藏在气化器里的汽车旅馆的钥匙。He retrieved the motel key hidden in the carburetor air filter.

也许她已经离开了此城,也许她开车去了某地的汽车旅馆。Maybe she’d left town, maybe she’d driven to a motel somewhere.

在一家汽车旅馆醒来后,我一是感到醉酒之后的头痛,二是看到一个陌生女人。I woke up in a motel with a horrible hangover and a strange woman.

她烦燥地来到了一个汽车旅馆,来会见格雷琴。Sara anxiously goes to the motel to see Gretchen, who asks to be anally.

女人把那瓶酒继续喝完,然后醉倒在了旅馆房间里面。The woman drank the rest of the bottle and passed out in the motel room.

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汽车旅馆老板和饭店经理因为冷落顾客而受到责骂。Motel owners and restaurant managers copped it for neglecting their clients.

蔺汽车旅馆老板和饭店经理因为冷落顾客而受到责骂。Motel owners and restaurant managers copped it for neglecting their clients.

对于中国的连锁酒店来说,上海莫泰的出售可能会改变行业格局。For Chinese hotel chains, the sale of Shanghai Motel could be a game changer.

我沿着连接戈麦斯-帕拉西奥市和汽车旅馆的那条高速公路的商业街上驾驶着车。I drove along the gray strip of highway connecting Gómez Palacio and the motel.

理事长启动了车,打舵开回汽车旅馆。Then the director started the car, turned it around, and drove back to the motel.

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在1977年的5月,我住在休斯顿十号州际公路旁的豪生汽车旅馆里。In May, 1977, I lived in a Howard Johnson's motel off of Interstate 10 in Houston.

我命令一费城牛排三明治和直呼它边走边回对我的汽车旅馆。I ordered a Philly steak sandwich and munched on it while walking back toward my motel.

霍比特人汽车旅馆像真正的霍比特人洞穴一样建进了山的一边。The Hobbit Motel resembles an authentic hobbit hole built into the side of the mountain.