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“确实没错。”爸爸说。"Indeed it is, " said Babi.

娘子谷是乌克兰首都基辅的一条沟壑。Babi Yar is a ravine in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

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芭比培果时尚精品馆2007春夏玩搭配!Babi Pei fruit Lifestyle Center 2007 Summer play with!

他们下了车,爸爸指向远处,“在那边,快看。”They got out of the taxi. Babi pointed "There they are."

爸爸也是气喘吁吁,但他的眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。Babi was panting too. But his eyes shone with excitement.

“下来吧,你们两个,”爸爸说,“到外面来看看。”"Come on, you two, " Babi said. "Come outside and have a look.

斯皮尔伯格是一个深谷基辅郊外的是乌克兰首都。Babi Yar is a ravine just outside Kiev which is the capital of Ukraine.

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在巴比雅大屠杀是最大的单一大屠杀在世界上的大屠杀。The Babi Yar massacre is largest single mass killing massacre in the world.

然而,纳粹军队占领基辅,很快在寻找谁是犹太人在巴比雅藏匿。However, Nazi forces soon captured Kiev and were looking out for Jews who were hiding in Babi Yar.

娘子谷大屠杀被认为是尤太屠杀史上最大的一次。The Babi Yar massacre is considered to be the largest single massacre in the history of the Holocaust.

想让她留意宝宝第一次触摸狗的绒毛时的捧腹大笑。I want to captur for her the belli laugh of a babi who is touch the soft fur of a dog for the first time.

本文在缀饰原子模型中,用波函数得到了共振及非共振情况下单色激光场与二能级原子相互作用的相干拉比解。The method of dressed atoms is used to obtain the Babi solution for atoms subjected to a laser field. The result agrees with that obtained from the Bloch equation.

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耶克尔恩开发了自己的方法来杀害了大批人,这方法在伦布拉、巴比亚以及卡米亚奈特·伯德尔斯基屠杀中被形容为”耶克而恩系统"。Jeckeln developed his own methods to kill large numbers of people, which became known as the “Jeckeln System” during the Rumbula, Babi Yar, and Kamianets-Podilskyi Massacres.

泰拉怀疑艾蜜莉是搭上了传说中的「鬼电车」,于是建议萝莎去求助灵学达人巴比,但萝莎却始终认为这是无稽之谈不当一回事。Terra suspected Emily is riding the legendary "ghost tram", he proposes to Rosa to help reach people Babi spirituality, but Rosa still believes that this is nonsense wrong thing.