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电话的蜂鸣器响了。The phone buzzer rang.

游戏结束后会有铃声。Added end-game buzzer sound.

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突然,他听到上面传来蜂鸣器的声音。Suddenly, he hears the access buzzer from above.

我在电话上找到了转换键,按下它。I said, found a buzzer on the phone, and pressed it.

听到蜂鸣器发声时,请联络乘务员。Please notify the crew immediately if the buzzer sounds.

那是深夜,幸好我自制的警报器把我吵醒了。Fortunately, the buzzer of my homemade burglar alarm woke me up.

我们按了客舱的呼叫器,一个乘务员马上来了。We pressed the buzzer in our cabin and a steward arrived instantly.

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蜂音器可以修改为提高或嵌入式安装赏心悦目。The buzzer can be modified with bezels for raised or flush mounting.

科比还强迫詹姆斯在困难的情况下压哨投篮不中…Bryant also forced James into a tough shot at the buzzer that missed.

两队机枪兵应该保护游戏玩家你的矿柱免受蜂群的袭击。The 2 Riflemen should protect your Tiberium Spike from Buzzer attacks.

蜂鸣器的响声打断了他们的思绪,A区的牢房门打开了。The buzzer interrupts their thoughts as the cell doors in A-Wing slide open.

控制信号面板呼梯蜂鸣器的延迟时间,如果提供了一个面板的话。Controls delay of annunciator panel call pending buzzer if a panel is provided.

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警报器发出声音时,伯克哈特叫参观团安静下来。Gregory Burkhart hushed his tour group into silence as an alarm buzzer sounded.

如果水漫过报警液位线,蜂鸣器就会报警。If unexpectedly water comes up to alarm level, the buzzer will warn you in time.

不过,在开场哨吹响后,公羊队打起了全场紧逼,无丝毫放松。But from the opening buzzer the Rams launched a full-court press, and never let up.

要是机器显示梦已结束,蜂音器便唤醒熟睡者。As soon as the machine indicates that the dream is over, a buzzer wakens the sleeper.

他们半场拿下了71分,包括雷·阿伦的一个无可争议的压哨上篮。They had 71 points at halftime, including an uncontested Ray Allen layup at the buzzer.

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接着,吉尔会评估这个答案,决定是否按下蜂鸣器。Watson then evaluated the response and determined whether to virtually press the buzzer.

当水位达到这个新发明装置内部预设的位置的时候,它的蜂鸣器就会发出声音。The contraption's buzzer sounds when water levels reach a pre-set level within the device.

他的顶端发现布莱恩,布莱恩在法院上面流口水而且平静地沉落一拉-在磨轮提高跳跃者。His tip found Bryant, who dribbled up court and calmly sank a pull-up jumper at the buzzer.