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他们给马蒙上遮眼布。They puta blindfold on a horse.

他们给马蒙上遮眼布。They put a blindfold on a horse.

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从现在开始你必须戴上这个眼罩。For now you must wear this blindfold.

用眼罩,羽毛.......Blindfold your partner. Use a feather.

等我做完,她把蒙眼布给我拿下。After I finished, she took the blindfold off.

不久之后,一个看守进来,手里挥舞着蒙眼用的布条。Not long after, a guard came in, waving a blindfold.

牧师同意了她的请求,让女人给他戴上了眼罩。Again he agreed to her request and she put a blindfold over his eyes.

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我必须学著在手中没有球棒,眼睛蒙著布的情况下打这一颗曲球。I had to learn to approach this one with no bat and with a blindfold on.

翻译摘下来我的眼罩,他说,“你只需在这里签个字。”The translator removed my blindfold and said, “You just have to sign these.”

慢慢地顺着冰块在对方身上融化的轨迹——蒙住他的双眼以增加敏感度。Slowly trail melting ice across your partner's body — blindfold him to heighten sensitivity.

当他们两位最终走到我身边,眼罩被解下后,两父子紧紧地抱住了对方。When the two finally reached me and we took the blindfold off, father and son hugged each other.

我在想,这种没有验票的做法目前在中国是行不通的。That is not blindfold worship of foreign things but learn from what is best in foreign countries.

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如果你想让她兴奋到你想象不到的程度,那就给她戴上眼罩。If you ever want to drive a woman to depths of sexual excitement still unknown to man, blindfold her.

眼罩被除去,我站在她旁边,我们挨的很近,面前有个笼罩在烛光中的镜子。The blindfold was removed and I stood next to her, inches between us, facing a mirror in candlelight.

最后他们把瑞秋眼罩只拉,巨大的蓝色毛衣在她的嘴和眼睛。Finally they remove Rachels blindfold only to pull that giant blue sweater up over her mouth and eyes.

汤姆提着姨妈那只洋铁旧灯笼,拿了一条遮灯光的大毛巾,乘机溜出去。Tom slipped out in good season with his aunt's old tin lantern and a large towel to blindfold it with.

在走廊里,一个人过来告诉狱警把他们松绑,拿掉眼罩。Back in the corridor a man arrived and told the guards to untie the prisoner and take his blindfold off.

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我觉得这个房价里还有其他人,但这也许只是眼睛被蒙上的效果。I felt that other people were in the room, too, but perhaps that was merely the blindfold doing its job.

“好,”强盗回答,“你也许,无论如何,能记得一点路当你被蒙着眼。"Well, " replied the robber, "you may, however, remember a little of the way that you were led blindfold.

但特级大师在快速盲棋比赛中展现的精湛棋艺,常会让人讶异不已。Yet grandmaster games played quickly and under blindfold conditions tend to be of surprisingly high quality.