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孩子的腿变形了。The child has a deformed leg.

银在压力作用下变了形。The silver was deformed under stress.

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罗杰的腿在一场事故中受伤变形。Roger's leg was deformed in an accident.

数数,9个辣椒,而且没有畸型果。Just count it. 9 peppers with out deformed ones.

这些杂种总在在某个方面有点残疾。These metis are always deformed in some fashion.

光纤振动时必然导致光纤的弯曲和形变。Vibrating optical fiber will bend and be deformed.

强行脱离文化的法律是法律的畸形儿。The law forcibly deviated from the culture is deformed.

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他们终于看清楚了,这个球状的东西是一个可怕的畸形胎儿。The ball, they nowsaw, was a horrifically deformed fetus.

如果我有一张残缺变形的脸,你们不会取笑我的脸。If I had a deformed face, you would not make fun of my face.

顶部的叶子变细,作物的杆变粗而且变形。The top leaves thin out, and the stems thicken and become deformed.

残疾之人、宦官、老人与私生子均善妒。Deformed persons, and eunuchs, and old men, and bastards, are envious.

慕残癖是对残疾或长相畸形的人群的一种性吸引。Teratophilia is the sexual attraction to deformed or monstrous people.

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在上面的树带界线那树开始变成反常的和不成形的。At the upper timberline the trees begin to become twisted and deformed.

DJ保罗的右手畸形,他喜欢把它叫做“婴儿手”。DJ Paul’s right arm is deformed into when he likes to call his “baby arm”.

在白层与变形层内均产生不同程度的损伤裂纹。Different damage cracks are formed inside the white layer and deformed zone.

没有合胞体蛋白,老鼠的胎盘畸形生长,胚胎死亡。Without syncytin, mice developed deformed placentas, and their embryos died.

在北京,坐轮椅者的一些专用洗手间上采用的标识是“畸形人”。In Beijing, some wheelchair-accessible bathrooms are marked "Deformed Person."

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生活只是苦力、脊柱变形、慢性关节炎和残断的双手。A life of drudgery, of deformed spines, of chronic arthritis, of severed hands.

随轧制方向不同,孪晶在形变中的行为也不同。Twin lamellae will be deformed differently when rolling in different direction.

其中一辆完全变了形,那辆车的司机浑身是血。One of cars was completely deformed. Its driver was covered with blood all over.