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包厘街上至少开有一家廉价旅馆。At least one flophouse survives on the Bowery.

另一个在波威里街上,他知道这条街上有很多豪华的酒店。Another was on the Bowery , which he knew contained many showy resorts.

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车到格兰街站。步行到包厘街再向民铁吾桥方向走。D to Grand Street Station, and walk to Bowery , and toward Manhattan Bridge.

BD车到格兰街站。步行到包厘街再向民铁吾桥方向走。BD to Grand Street Station, and walk to Bowery , and toward Manhattan Bridge.

他就说‘胡扯,贫困区的那些人有比你更好的统计数字和系统。’He'd say, 'Baloney. Those guys on the Bowery had more statistics and systems than you've got.

这张历史照片拍摄于1900年以前,当时,包厘街上有一条架空列车线行走。This picture was taken before 1900. There was an elevated train running along Bowery at that time.

如果你身在纽约,那曼卡顿是值得一去的地方,在休斯敦距离林荫大道不远,地处曼哈顿的南部。If you're in NYC, Macondo is worth a visit, on Houston not far from Bowery St in Manhattan's lower east side.

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他又回到波威里街的寄宿处,盘算着去哪里申请救济。这只差一步就沦为乞丐了。Again he resorted to the Bowery lodging-house, brooding over where to look. From this it was but a step to beggary.

有两三个显然是住在波威里街的角色,沿着麦迪逊广场靠第五大道的一边磨磨蹭蹭地走着,但是没敢过来。Two or three noticeable Bowery types edged along the Fifth Avenue side of Madison Square, but did not venture over.

晚上他发现自己来到了主大道和六十七街的路口,在那里转了一会儿,最后转身朝着波威里街走去。At evening he found himself at the Boulevard and Sixty-seventh Street, where he finally turned his face Bowery -ward.

她把故事的发生地点放在了纽约市著名的鲍瑞区,观众们都知道这一危险地区的历史。She set the play in a famous New York City area called the Bowery . Audiences knew the history of this dangerous area.

事实上,有报道称德国移民早在十九世纪六十年代就在纽约用类似手推车的工具来出售热狗。In fact, there are reports of German immigrants selling them from pushcarts in New York's Bowery as far back as the 1860s.

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在库珀广场酒店是一个新的现代化的玻璃和钢塔在波威节纽约市设计的卡洛斯萨帕塔工作室。The Cooper Square Hotel is a new modern glass and steel tower in the Bowery section of New York City designed by Carlos Zapata Studio.

蓝光药店位于鲍威利街和第一大道之间这两条街道距离最短的闹市区。The Blue Light Drug Store is down-town, between the Bowery and First Avenue, where the distance between the two streets is the shortest.

计划进行粉刷的区域,是第二林荫道和巴厘街之间,东四街延伸到东三街的带状地带。The area to be painted in New York forms a continuous strip from East Fourth and East Third streets between Second Avenue and the Bowery.

他们常去波威里街和那些破烂不堪的东区街道,在那里褴褛的衣衫和枯槁的形容是不足为奇的。They frequent the Bowery and those down at the heels East Side streets where poor clothes and shrunken features are not singled out as curious.

他们在韦斯特切斯特和泽西烧火炉,却从未见过鲍厄里街在气温降至零度的冬夜用油桶烧火取暖。They tend their furnaces in Westchester and in Jersey, but have never seen the furnaces of the Bowery , the fires that burn in oil drums on zero winter nights.

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她讲了她从一个沉浸在纽约鲍威利诗社里并有双大眼睛的少年转变为一个通过口语诗展示孩子们自我表达能力的V。She tells the story of her metamorphosis — from a wide-eyed teenager soaking in verse at New York's Bowery Poetry Club to a teacher connecting kids with the power of self-expression through Project V.

位于包厘街的“新博物馆”于2007年开业,许多才华横溢却无人欣赏的当代艺术家的作品在此展出。该博物馆看上去像是由一堆没摆正的盒子堆积而成。The New Museum, which showcases the work of underrepresented contemporary artists, opened its doors on the Bowery in 2007 with a striking new building that resembles a stack of seven off-kilter boxes.