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他全体的生活都是反水的。He has all his life been rebellious.

笑是危险的而且具有叛逆性。Laughter is dangerous and rebellious.

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对于我的婚姻和上帝,我都抵触。I was rebellious to my marriage and God.

我的青春叛逆期是从高中的时候开始的。My rebellious years started from high school.

对于一个叛逆的高中生,辍学并非是坏事。Not bad for a rebellious high school dropout.

因为我知道你们是悖逆的,是硬着颈项的。For I know how rebellious and stiff-necked you are.

不听话的国会推翻了总统的否决。A rebellious congress overrode the president's veto.

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也因此,我从小就养成了一个叛逆甚至死不罢休的人生态度。Growing up, I developed a rebellious never-say-die attitude.

自从我认识你们那天起,你们常是背叛上主。But were always rebellious from the day that I began to know you.

叛军曾企图推翻现政府。The rebellious troops attempted to subvert the present government.

你对那悖逆之家说,你们不知道这些事是什么意思吗。Say now to the rebellious house, Know ye not what these things mean?

他是反叛上帝又反叛君主的专搞颠覆的异教徒。He's a subversive infidel rebellious alike against his God and his king.

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英国首相托尼·布莱尔青年时代的叛逆个性给自己惹了不少麻烦。In his youth, Tony Blairs rebellious streak often landed him in trouble.

程序员叛者何也?累与制也。Why are programmers rebellious? Because the management interferes too much.

在猪八戒的身上还表现出了超强韧劲的反抗精神。Zhu Bajie in the body also demonstrated a super tenacity rebellious spirit.

葛福临现在感到很后悔,因为他年轻时,既轻狂又叛逆!Franklin Graham regrets it now, but in his youth he was wild and rebellious.

其他的失败在于,没有意识到那些反叛和淘气的儿童身上的资质。Other fail to recognize potential giftedness in rebellious and naughty children.

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艾伦是位叛逆的歌手,曾和狗仔对骂打架。The rebellious singer is well-known for quarrelling and fighting with paparazzi.

有的没有看到不听话、淘气孩于身上潜在的才能。Others fail to recognize potential giftedness in rebellious and naughty children.

这个经验丰富的老师知道怎样处理有些学生叛逆性的行为。The experienced teacher knew how to deal with some students' rebellious behavior.