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他正钓起一条鱼。A walloping fish.

他得付一大笔罚款。He had to pay a walloping fine.

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大自然再次重创美国。Mather Nature is walloping the country again.

大自然再次重创美国。Mother Nature is walloping the country again.

她恐吓孩子说要狠狠打他们一顿。She threatened the children with a walloping.

她吓唬孩子说要狠狠打他们一顿。She threatened the children with a walloping.

所以我们最终大败他们,赢得了所有重量级的比赛。Well, we ended up walloping them. We took every weight class.

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但要对抗其他世界泳池名将难道还是少了点吗?Still less while walloping the rest of the world's best in the pool?

小鸡挥动着爪子跳到栖木上,稚嫩的翅膀不停拍打着the chicken flapping claws onto the roost its wings whelping and walloping

政府会允许人民币升值吗?虽然会重创出口商,但却能增加消费者的消费力。Will it allow the yuan to appreciate, thus walloping exporters but boosting consumers' spending power?

多年来,丰田汽车一直在美国市场压着前底特律三巨头。S. market, where Toyota has been walloping Detroit's once-Big Three for years, weakness has emerged recently.

除了几件公认的大事—爱情、死亡、孩子—我生活中绝大多数真正算得上中大感情波澜的就是观看利物浦的比赛了。Apart from the big, obvious things-love, death, children-most of the really walloping emotional highs and lows of my life have involved watching Liverpool.

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除了几件公认的大事——爱情、死亡、孩子——我生活中绝大多数真正算得上重大情感波澜的就是观看利物浦球队的比赛了。Apart from the big, obvious things—love, death, children—most of the really walloping emotional highs and lows of my life have involved watching Liverpool.