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我们花钱就为这个?We paid for this?

我们的悉心照料得到了回报。Our care paid off.

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他付了我五元钱。He paid me five yuan.

这次民意调查由谁资助?Who paid for the poll?

他给临时来照看孩子的保姆付了钱。He paid the babysitter.

他按规定交费了。He paid the ususal fee.

朱迪思来看望了我。Judith paid me a visit.

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我付了双倍的价钱。I paid double the price.

托收款未得照付。Collection is not paid. ?

约翰付了饭钱。John paid for the dinner.

应付的我都付了。I paid all that was owing.

你理应为了所得到的东西而付出。You paid for what you got.

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他已付给医生钱了吗?。Has he paid the doctor yet?

他买那辆车花了六百镑。He paid £ 600 for that car.

我自认为收入颇佳。I account myself well paid.

我已付过这些钢笔的钱了。I have paid for these pens.

我是付现钱买的。I paid for it in hard cash.

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安东尼从未缴纳罚款。Anthony never paid the fine.

他在十字架上已经为你偿还。He paid for it on the cross.

这顿饭我花了50块钱。I paid 50 yuan for the meal.