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他用粘土做模型。He models in clay.

我是个在泥涂里乱画的家伙。I am a dauber in clay.

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砖是用黏土制成的。Bricks are made from clay.

高温使陶土硬化。Great heat indurates clay.

多么可爱的泥娃娃!What a love of a clay doll!

怎样做天然泥粉脸膜?How to do natural clay mask?

大量的黏土被用来造砖。Much clay is used for bricks.

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陶土飞靶很难获得。It's hard to get clay targets.

他把粘土揉成一个球。He rolled the clay into a ball.

他用双手把泥坯滚成一个球。He rolled the clay into a ball.

小鹰垃圾是膨润土。Kitty litter is bentonite clay.

可口的瓦煲卤猪肉叫人受不了!The yummy Clay Pot Stewed Pork.

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她把粘土搓成球。She rolled the clay into a ball.

黏土佛像碎裂了。The clay Buddha has chipped off.

黏土干了的时候就变硬了。Clay hardens when it becomes dry.

雏型,4个月之前的泥雕版。Clay sculpture , 4 months review.

与原形毕露的一个古铜色雕像。A bronze statue with feet of clay.

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他把粘土揉成球形。He rounded the clay into a sphere.

常住此脆弱瓦瓶。Indwells this fragile jar of clay.

少年以黄泥将乌鸦铸就。Lads with yellow clay mold a crow.