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刚在一小时前,我们经历了第一次的翻倒。We just had our first knockdown about an hour ago.

指拍卖会上拍卖师落槌决定拍卖标的售予买受人。Means the auctioneer knockdown his hammer and decide the lot sold to a buyer.

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有时,冲浪会演变成全力以赴对抗大海的狂欢。Sometimes body surfing can turn into an all-out knockdown fest from the ocean.

会击倒两个最有威胁的目标的其中一个,持续时间为10秒。Conjunct – Will knockdown one of his 2 most threatening targets for 10 seconds.

机器可处理包和击倒风格案件没有工具转换。The machine can handle wraparound and knockdown style cases with no tool changeovers.

你可以以跳楼价得到一间房子,但是那间房子说不定就要跳楼了。You can get a house for a knockdown price but it may turn out to be a knockdown home.

由于支付不起维护或是维修费用,这些房子很多都正在被低价挂牌出售。Unable to afford to maintain or restore them, they are being sold at knockdown prices.

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实验结果表明成功地建立了MDM2表达下调的实验细胞模型。The results showed that the cells of knockdown of MDM2 genes were successfully produced.

当激活这个技能时,军团哨兵在一定时间内对伤害或击倒效果免疫。When activated, the legionnaire becomes immune to damage or knockdown effects for a moderate time.

说明这两种打击都是击倒效果,应该立即补上致命一击。Their killing effect is slightly lower, while the knockdown effect against housefly is even better.

相反,入库单成交,表明增加WNT1表达Wnt和入库单相互调节彼此。Conversely, GRN knockdown increased WNT1 expression, demonstrating that Wnt and GRN reciprocally regulate each other.

特别是从中国来的商品,得到他们政府的补贴,以一边倒的低价出售。The goods, coming particularly from China, are sold at knockdown rates with the help of government subsidies, unions say.

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它同样也会造成预期中的细胞分化,并且分化的模式和基因抑制中观察到的类似。This also resulted in differentiation as expected, but with differentiation patterns similar to those seen with the knockdown.

结论安徽省中华按蚊已发生针对拟除虫菊酯的击倒抗性突变。Conclusion The mechanism for mutations resulting in the knockdown resistance of A. sinensis in Anhui Province has been determined.

型卫生杀虫涂料,经实验室试验表明对蚊蝇和蟑螂具有很强的击倒作用和杀灭能力。Health insecticide coating type WS-I was shown to have very strong knockdown and cidal effect on mosquitoes, flies and cockroachs.

最初,财务部试图劝说花旗银行购买Wachovia——当然是极低的价格以及附送的政府对不良资产的担保。Initially, the Treasury tried to persuade Citigroup to buy it — again at a knockdown price and with a guarantee of the bad assets.

此外,在假定的核出口终结者被发现,加快细胞增殖和有丝分裂的进展后,击倒。In addition, a putative nuclear-export terminator was found to speed up cell proliferation and mitotic progression after knockdown.

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结论右旋反式氯丙炔菊酯对蚊虫和蟑螂等害虫具有良好的击倒作用和杀灭能力,可以作为一种新型卫生杀虫剂加以推广和应用。Conclusion It had a superior knockdown and killing effect against general hygienic insects and it was worth promoting and applying as a new insecticide.

我们对由微RNA转染或内源性微RNA敲除引起的几千种蛋白质合成的变化用一种新的蛋白组学方法进行了测定。We used a new proteomic approach to measure changes in synthesis of several thousand proteins in response to miRNA transfection or endogenous miRNA knockdown.

而托罗西迪斯的身价并不高,但利物浦想要买他还需要面对尤文图斯以及马竞的竞争。Olympiakos defender Torosidis is said to be available for a knockdown fee, but Liverpool could face competition from Juventus and Atletico Madrid for his services.